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Two researchers from the ICB Laboratory and two co-authors receive the 2023 Prize from the Academy of Sciences, Arts and Belles-Lettres of Dijon

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The Academy of Sciences, Arts and Belles-Lettres of Dijon had the honor of awarding the prestigious Prize to Vincent BOUDON (CNRS Research Director at the ICB Laboratory), Arnaud CUISSET (Professor at the University of Littoral-Côte-d ‘Opale), Cyril RICHARD (CNRS Research Engineer at the ICB Laboratory) and Maud ROTGER (Professor at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne) for their remarkable popularization work entitled “Light to Probe the World: Spectroscopy and its Applications », prefaced by professor of atomic physics Anne L’Huillier, Nobel Prize in Physics 2023,
The awards ceremony took place on Saturday October 14, 2023 in the Salle des Estates of Dijon Town Hall, in the presence of François Rebsamen, mayor of Dijon and protector of the Academy.

This work, the result of an exceptional collaboration between these scholars, has been praised for its commitment to demystifying and promoting spectroscopy, a discipline often considered old-fashioned, and for its essential role in the exploration of our world. By exploring the science of spectroscopy from the perspective of light, the authors have succeeded in making a discipline often considered esoteric accessible and captivating.

The book stands out for its ability to explain advanced scientific concepts in an accessible way to a wide audience, from the curious neophyte to the knowledgeable science enthusiast. It serves as a bridge between the world of research and the general public, allowing everyone to immerse themselves in the wonders of spectroscopy and its diverse applications, from astronomy to medicine.

The awards ceremony was a great event, celebrating not only the achievement of these brilliant authors, but also the importance of disseminating scientific knowledge. The Academy of Sciences, Arts and Belles-Lettres of Dijon is honored to recognize this work, and congratulates these authors for their exceptional contribution to scientific popularization.

The mayor and president of the Metropolis, François Rebsamen, underlined the importance of scholarship and the dissemination of scientific knowledge for society and warmly congratulated the winners for their significant contribution in this regard.

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The Academy of Sciences, Arts and Belles-Lettres of Dijon had the honor of awarding the prestigious Prize to Vincent BOUDON (CNRS Research Director at the ICB Laboratory), Arnaud CUISSET (Professor at the University of Littoral-Côte-d 'Opale), Cyril RICHARD (CNRS Research Engineer at the ICB Laboratory) and Maud ROTGER (Professor at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne) for their remarkable popularization work entitled “Light to Probe the World: Spectroscopy and its Applications », prefaced by professor of atomic physics Anne L'Huillier, Nobel Prize in Physics 2023,
The awards ceremony took place on Saturday October 14, 2023 in the Salle des Estates of Dijon Town Hall, in the presence of François Rebsamen, mayor of Dijon and protector of the Academy.

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This work, the result of an exceptional collaboration between these scholars, has been praised for its commitment to demystifying and promoting spectroscopy, a discipline often considered old-fashioned, and for its essential role in the exploration of our world. By exploring the science of spectroscopy from the perspective of light, the authors have succeeded in making a discipline often considered esoteric accessible and captivating.

The book stands out for its ability to explain advanced scientific concepts in an accessible way to a wide audience, from the curious neophyte to the knowledgeable science enthusiast. It serves as a bridge between the world of research and the general public, allowing everyone to immerse themselves in the wonders of spectroscopy and its diverse applications, from astronomy to medicine.

The awards ceremony was a great event, celebrating not only the achievement of these brilliant authors, but also the importance of disseminating scientific knowledge. The Academy of Sciences, Arts and Belles-Lettres of Dijon is honored to recognize this work, and congratulates these authors for their exceptional contribution to scientific popularization.

The mayor and president of the Metropolis, François Rebsamen, underlined the importance of scholarship and the dissemination of scientific knowledge for society and warmly congratulated the winners for their significant contribution in this regard.

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