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Laboratoire ICB

The Carnot de Bourgogne Interdisciplinary Laboratory (ICB), CNRS Mixed Research Unit has 300 physicists, chemists, engineers and technicians located in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, on the sites of Dijon, Le Creusot, Chalon-sur-Saône and Belfort (Sevenans). They are developing new functionalities in optics and for the materials of the future, intended for applications in industry (photonics, metallurgy, industry 4.0, etc.), medicine, high-speed optical communications, the processing of nanoscale information, energy and quantum technologies.

Its initial creation in 2007 was the result of the merger of 2 laboratories and a host team (Physics Laboratory of the University of Burgundy, Research Laboratory on the Reactivity of Solids, Laser and Materials Processing team.) In 2017, 2 groups from 2 laboratories of the UTBM (Laboratory for Studies and Research on Materials, Processes and Surfaces and Mechatronics, Methods, Models and Professions) joined the ICB.

Interactions with the socio-economic world

The scientific teams of the ICB laboratory collaborate with companies to develop research projects whose results find direct socio-economic applications and thus contribute to the economic development of the territory. In the context of Investments for the Future (PIA), the ICB is co-founder and actor of the Graduate School EIPHI (Innovation through Physics and Engineering), coordinates two new Equipex+ SMARTLIGHT (intelligent photonics) and CALHIPSO (innovative compaction and assembly metal alloy) as well as a European network and an Erasmus Mundus on quantum technologies. The laboratory carries collaborative projects supported by Europe or the National Research Agency and is also co-founder of the exploratory PEPR (PIA4) DIADEME very recently selected on new generation materials (4D additive printing). The ICB is also a player in health engineering, in particular via the EquipEx IMAPPI on medical imaging.

Excellent scientific research

The interdisciplinary research of the laboratory forms a continuum from the fundamental to the applications. Its specialized activities in the fields of optical and electron microscopy, fiber optics, lasers, nanofabrication, quantum nanophotonics, nanomedicine, surface and interface analysis, reactivity, characterization and of materials (processes, fuel cell, powder metallurgy, additive manufacturing, sintering, cements, sensors and non-destructive testing) are supported by 5 high-performance technological platforms which have made the reputation of the laboratory with projects of excellence. Multidisciplinary expertise is made available to research projects and at the service of clusters and companies in the Region and beyond (national and international).

Stéphane GUERIN

Phone : 03 80 39 60 45


Phone : 03 80 39 60 22


Phone : 03 84 58 31 50


Phone : 03 80 39 59 37 


Organizational chart
Annual reports : 20212022
Open positions




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Laboratoire ICB

The Carnot de Bourgogne Interdisciplinary Laboratory (ICB), CNRS Mixed Research Unit has 300 physicists, chemists, engineers and technicians located in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, on the sites of Dijon, Le Creusot, Chalon-sur-Saône and Belfort (Sevenans). They are developing new functionalities in optics and for the materials of the future, intended for applications in industry (photonics, metallurgy, industry 4.0, etc.), medicine, high-speed optical communications, the processing of nanoscale information, energy and quantum technologies.

Its initial creation in 2007 was the result of the merger of 2 laboratories and a host team (Physics Laboratory of the University of Burgundy, Research Laboratory on the Reactivity of Solids, Laser and Materials Processing team.) In 2017, 2 groups from 2 laboratories of the UTBM (Laboratory for Studies and Research on Materials, Processes and Surfaces and Mechatronics, Methods, Models and Professions) joined the ICB.

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Interactions with the socio-economic world

The scientific teams of the ICB laboratory collaborate with companies to develop research projects whose results find direct socio-economic applications and thus contribute to the economic development of the territory. In the context of Investments for the Future (PIA), the ICB is co-founder and actor of the Graduate School EIPHI (Innovation through Physics and Engineering), coordinates two new Equipex+ SMARTLIGHT (intelligent photonics) and CALHIPSO (innovative compaction and assembly metal alloy) as well as a European network and an Erasmus Mundus on quantum technologies. The laboratory carries collaborative projects supported by Europe or the National Research Agency and is also co-founder of the exploratory PEPR (PIA4) DIADEME very recently selected on new generation materials (4D additive printing). The ICB is also a player in health engineering, in particular via the EquipEx IMAPPI on medical imaging.

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Excellent scientific research

The interdisciplinary research of the laboratory forms a continuum from the fundamental to the applications. Its specialized activities in the fields of optical and electron microscopy, fiber optics, lasers, nanofabrication, quantum nanophotonics, nanomedicine, surface and interface analysis, reactivity, characterization and of materials (processes, fuel cell, powder metallurgy, additive manufacturing, sintering, cements, sensors and non-destructive testing) are supported by 5 high-performance technological platforms which have made the reputation of the laboratory with projects of excellence. Multidisciplinary expertise is made available to research projects and at the service of clusters and companies in the Region and beyond (national and international).

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Stéphane GUERIN

Phone : 03 80 39 60 45

[/kc_column_text][kc_spacing height="45px" _id="921215"][kc_column_text _id="459515"]


Phone : 03 80 39 60 22

[/kc_column_text][kc_spacing height="25px" _id="654762"][kc_column_text _id="711737"]


Phone : 03 84 58 31 50

[/kc_column_text][kc_spacing height="25px" _id="528749"][kc_column_text _id="298328"]


Phone : 03 80 39 59 37 

[/kc_column_text][kc_spacing height="50px" _id="575716"][kc_column_text _id="477489"]


Organizational chart
Annual reports : 2021 - 2022
Open positions

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