Dr. Yicha Zhang, earned his bachelor (2008), master (2011) and PhD (2014) degrees in mechanical engineering. After PhD, he worked as a postdoc and research engineer for two European H2020 projects on Industry 4.0 at the Ecole Centrale de Nantes (LS2N, CNRS lab) from 2014 to 2017. In the September of 2017, he moved to UTBM and acted as a lecturer/assistant professor in the department of design & mechanical engineering (ICB-COMM, CNRS lab). In January 2021, he obtained his research habilitation (HDR) from the University of Nantes and became associate professor.
He mainly works on developing data-driven methods and tools for the decision making along the processing chain of Additive Manufacturing (AM). His main research topics include design, modelling, planning and optimization along the whole AM processing chain as well as developing new HAM process. He is also working on interdisciplinary & system design methods, decision-making tools and expert systems in the scope of product-service-system engineering. His work results were published in more than 60 peer reviewed journal and conferences papers (received 3 journal paper awards). He was also invited to give more than 20 seminar or session talks in different research labs and conferences with 2 keynote speeches for two international conferences. He serves as reviewers for more than 20 international journals and conferences. He is the editorial member for the 'Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering', 'Digital Twin Journal', 'Materials Science in Additive Manufacturing', ‘Journal of Grey System: theory and applications’. In 2020, he was nominated as an associate member by CIRP (The International Academy for Production Engineering). He is active in the STC-O, SCT-Dn and STC-E scientific technical groups of CIRP. In 2021, he was awarded the CIRP Taylor Medal for his contribution in design & planning for additive manufacturing.
- statut_ub:
- batiment:
- equipe_1:
- fonction_equipe_1:
- Agent(e) de service
- mots_cles:
- adresse:
- onglets:
- {tab=Carrière} # {tab=Projets} # {tab=Publications} # {tab=Communications} # {tab=Enseignements} # {tab=Administration} # {/tabs}
- telephone:
- + 33 (0)3 84 58 37 12
- e-mail:
- yicha.zhang@utbm.fr
- site_web:
- departement:
- a:1:{i:0;s:55:"Conception, Optimisation et Modélisation en Mécanique";}
- fonction:
- Associate Professor (Maître de conférences, Habilitation à diriger des recherches-HDR)
- localisation:
- R308, Bâtiment Rotonde, UTBM - Campus de Sevenans
- texte_onglets:
- [tabs] [tab title=Carrière] Tab Content 1 [/tab] [tab title=Projets] Tab Content 2 [/tab] [tab title=Communications] Tab Content 3 [/tab] [tab title=Publications] Tab Content 4 [/tab] [/tabs]
- carriere:
- projets:
- communications:
- publications:
- https://scholar.google.fr/citations?hl=fr&user=OhIUCpsAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate
- enseignements:
- https://guideuv.utbm.fr/#!/Fr/2021/GM/CP55#search
- administration:
- switch:
- 1
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Dr. Yicha Zhang, earned his bachelor (2008), master (2011) and PhD (2014) degrees in mechanical engineering. After PhD, he worked as a postdoc and research engineer for two European H2020 projects on Industry 4.0 at the Ecole Centrale de Nantes (LS2N, CNRS lab) from 2014 to 2017. In the September of 2017, he moved to UTBM and acted as a lecturer/assistant professor in the department of design & mechanical engineering (ICB-COMM, CNRS lab). In January 2021, he obtained his research habilitation (HDR) from the University of Nantes and became associate professor.
He mainly works on developing data-driven methods and tools for the decision making along the processing chain of Additive Manufacturing (AM). His main research topics include design, modelling, planning and optimization along the whole AM processing chain as well as developing new HAM process. He is also working on interdisciplinary & system design methods, decision-making tools and expert systems in the scope of product-service-system engineering. His work results were published in more than 60 peer reviewed journal and conferences papers (received 3 journal paper awards). He was also invited to give more than 20 seminar or session talks in different research labs and conferences with 2 keynote speeches for two international conferences. He serves as reviewers for more than 20 international journals and conferences. He is the editorial member for the 'Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering', 'Digital Twin Journal', 'Materials Science in Additive Manufacturing', ‘Journal of Grey System: theory and applications’. In 2020, he was nominated as an associate member by CIRP (The International Academy for Production Engineering). He is active in the STC-O, SCT-Dn and STC-E scientific technical groups of CIRP. In 2021, he was awarded the CIRP Taylor Medal for his contribution in design & planning for additive manufacturing.
[/kc_column_text][/kc_tab][kc_tab title="Teaching" _id="789722"][kc_column_text _id="843785"]https://guideuv.utbm.fr/#!/Fr/2021/GM/CP55#search
[/kc_column_text][/kc_tab][kc_tab title="Publications" _id="963568"][kc_column_text _id="905840"]https://scholar.google.fr/citations?hl=fr&user=OhIUCpsAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate