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Fiche de : POPA Ioana

Département :
Procédés Métallurgiques, Durabilité, Matériaux

Fonction : MCF UB

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Tél. : 0380396159
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Maître de Conférences à l’Université de Bourgogne (depuis 2007)

Délégation de Recherche au CEA Valduc (2011-2014)

Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches de l’Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté (2018) 


Doctorat de l’Université J. Fourier Grenoble (2003)

Post-doc au synchrotron européen ESRF Grenoble (2003-2007)


Travaux de recherches dans le domaine de la réactivité des matériaux métalliques en vue d’applications dans la production d’énergie ou dans l’aéronautique. Matériaux élaborées par voie classique ou par fabrication additive. Etudes cristallographiques de laboratoire ou aux grands instruments.

En cours

Projet ANR ALTITUDE (2019-2021) – Nouvel ALliage de TITane haUte température pour applications aéronautiques de DEmain


  • Projet ANR TESAMI (2012-2016) – Titane Et Ses Alliages en Milieu Irradiant
  • Projet ANR ICARE (2009-2013) – InterConnecteurs en Alliage REvêtu
  • Projet ANR CAPSUL (2007-2010) – CAractérisation des Propriétés mécano-électrochimiques de SUrfaces traitées mécaniquement par Laser
  • Oral presentation High temperature corrosion of Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-Si alloy in presence of solid NaCl or NaCl-Na2SO4 deposits, C. Ciszak, M. Berthaud, I. Popa, J.M. Brossard, D. Monceau, S. Chevalier, International Symposium on High Temperature Oxidation and Corrosion, Matsue, Japan, October 2018
  • Poster presention Evolution of the mechanical properties of Ti6242S alloy after oxidation in air at 560°C: influence of solid salts deposits, M. Berthaud, C. Ciszak, I. Popa, D. Monceau, S. Chevalier, International Symposium on High Temperature Oxidation and Corrosion, Matsue, Japan, October 2018
  • Oral presentation Active corrosion phenomena in presence of solid NaCl deposits: case of steels and titanium alloys, I. Popa, C. Ciszak, M. Berthaud, A. Tellier, A. Curnis, J.M. Brossard, D. Monceau, S. Chevalier, EFC Workshop, Frankfurt am Main September 2018
  • Invited conference Use of large instruments for high temperature corrosion studies, I. Popa, CorroHT Summer School, Porticcio, June 2018
  • Oral presentation Interconnect reactivity in dual atmosphere in SOFC/SOEC conditions, S. Chevalier, I. Popa, L. Combemale, G. Caboche, P. Carpanese, 11th International Symposoium on Electrochemical Impedance Analysis, Camogli, Italy, November 2017
  • Poster Influence of NaCl solid deposit on the oxidation of titanium alloy Ti6242S at 560°C, M. Berthaud, I. Popa, R. Chassagnon, J. Lavková, S. Chevalier, High Temperature Corrosion Solution for Energy Issues and Future Role in High Temperature Processes, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, USA, July 2017
  • Oral presentation NaCl-induced High Temperature Corrosion of β21S Ti Alloy, C. Ciszak, I. Popa, J.M. Brossard, D. Monceau, S. Chevalier, International Symposium on High Temperature Corrosion and Protecttion of Materials, Les Embiez, France, May 2016
  • Invited conference Behavior of ferritic stainless steels in SOFC and SOEC atmospheres: recent developments and coatings, S. Chevalier, I. Popa, L. Combemale, Gordon Research Conference, New-London, NH, USA, July 2015
  • Oral presentation New strategy for SOFC working at 600°C, S. Chevalier, L. Combemale, I. Popa, K. Perrin, International Conference on Fundamentals and Developments of Fuel Cells, Toulouse, France, Février 2015
  • Oral presentation Dual atmosphere study of the K41X stainless steel for interconnect application in high temperature water vapour electrolysis, M. R. Ardigo, I. Popa, L. Combemale, S. Chevalier, P. Girardon, European Hydrogen Energy Conference, Sevilla, Spain, Mars 2014
  • Oral presentation Effect of coatings on long term behaviour of a commercial stainless steel for high temperature steam electrolysis interconnect application in H2/H2O atmosphere, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, P. Girardon, F. Perry, R. Laucournet, A. Brevet, European Fuel Cell Technology & Applications, Piero Lunghi Conference, Rome, Italy, December 2013
  • Poster Effect of coatings on a commercial stainless steel for SOEC interconnect application in anode atmosphere, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, V. Parry, A. Galerie, P. Girardon, F. Perry, R. Laucournet, A. Brevet, 13th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, October 2013, Okinawa, Japon
  • Invited conference Evidence of H effect on the conductivity of oxide scales on chromia former alloys, C. Desgranges, S. Chevalier, S. Guillou, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, High Temperature Corrosion Solution for Energy Issues and Future Role in High Temperature Processes, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, USA, July 2013
  • Oral presentation Effect of coatings on a commercial stainless steel for interconnect application in high temperature water vapour electrolysis: study in anode atmosphere, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, V. Parry, A. Galerie, P. Girardon, F. Perry, R. Laucournet, A. Brevet, E. Rigal, 5th International Conference on Fundamentals & Development of Fuel Cells, Karlsruhe, Germany, April 2013
  • Oral presentation In-situ high temperature synchrotron diffraction study of T/P91 steel oxidation, I. Popa, H. Evin, C. Curfs, S. Chevalier,  XVI French-Polish Seminar on Reactivity of Solids, December 2012, Krakow, Poland
  • Oral presentation Use of isotopic marker experiments in order to understand the oxide scale growth mechanism in water vapor, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier,  XVI French-Polish Seminar on Reactivity of Solids, 10-12 décembre 2012, Cracovie, Pologne
  • Poster Effect of water vapour on the oxidation mechanisms of a commercial stainless steel for interconnect application in high temperature water vapour electrolysis, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, S. Weber, O. Heintz, M. Vilasi, 8th International Symposium on High Temperature Corrosion and Protection of Materials, Les Embiez, France, May 2012
  • Poster In-situ high temperature powder diffraction study of T/P91 steel oxidation, I. Popa, H. Evin, C. Curfs, S. Chevalier, XXII Congress and General Assembly of the IUCr, Madrid, Spain, August 2011
  • Poster Corrosion behaviour and electrical conductivity of metallic interconnects for high temperature water vapor electrolysis,  M. R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, C. Desgranges, High Temperature Corrosion Scientific Underpinning for Design and Lifetime Prediction of Materials Exposed to High Temperatures and Reactivity Extremes, 24-29 juillet 2011, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, Etats Unis
  • Oral presentation Study of the oxide scale growth on a metallic interconnect for high temperature water vapor electrolysis, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, High Temperature Corrosion Gordon-Kenan Research Seminar, July 2011, Colby-Sawyer College New London, NH, USA
  • Oral presentation Optimisation of metallic interconnect for hydrogen production by high temperature water vapour electrolysis, M. R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, W. Chandra-Ambhorn, P. Phakpeetinan, V. Parry, Y. Wouters, International Conference on Diffusion in Materials, Dijon, France, July 2011
  • Poster Study of the interactions between the LSCF cathode material and P91 steel as interconnect in SOFC at working conditions, A. Vasiliu, L. Combemale, I. Popa, G. Caboche, International Conference on Diffusion in Materials, Dijon, France, July 2011

Maître de Conférences à l’Université de Bourgogne (depuis 2007)

Délégation de Recherche au CEA Valduc (2011-2014)

Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches de l’Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté (2018) 


Doctorat de l’Université J. Fourier Grenoble (2003)

Post-doc au synchrotron européen ESRF Grenoble (2003-2007)


Travaux de recherches dans le domaine de la réactivité des matériaux métalliques en vue d’applications dans la production d’énergie ou dans l’aéronautique. Matériaux élaborées par voie classique ou par fabrication additive. Etudes cristallographiques de laboratoire ou aux grands instruments.

En cours

Projet ANR ALTITUDE (2019-2021) – Nouvel ALliage de TITane haUte température pour applications aéronautiques de DEmain


  • Projet ANR TESAMI (2012-2016) – Titane Et Ses Alliages en Milieu Irradiant
  • Projet ANR ICARE (2009-2013) – InterConnecteurs en Alliage REvêtu
  • Projet ANR CAPSUL (2007-2010) – CAractérisation des Propriétés mécano-électrochimiques de SUrfaces traitées mécaniquement par Laser
  • Oral presentation High temperature corrosion of Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-Si alloy in presence of solid NaCl or NaCl-Na2SO4 deposits, C. Ciszak, M. Berthaud, I. Popa, J.M. Brossard, D. Monceau, S. Chevalier, International Symposium on High Temperature Oxidation and Corrosion, Matsue, Japan, October 2018
  • Poster presention Evolution of the mechanical properties of Ti6242S alloy after oxidation in air at 560°C: influence of solid salts deposits, M. Berthaud, C. Ciszak, I. Popa, D. Monceau, S. Chevalier, International Symposium on High Temperature Oxidation and Corrosion, Matsue, Japan, October 2018
  • Oral presentation Active corrosion phenomena in presence of solid NaCl deposits: case of steels and titanium alloys, I. Popa, C. Ciszak, M. Berthaud, A. Tellier, A. Curnis, J.M. Brossard, D. Monceau, S. Chevalier, EFC Workshop, Frankfurt am Main September 2018
  • Invited conference Use of large instruments for high temperature corrosion studies, I. Popa, CorroHT Summer School, Porticcio, June 2018
  • Oral presentation Interconnect reactivity in dual atmosphere in SOFC/SOEC conditions, S. Chevalier, I. Popa, L. Combemale, G. Caboche, P. Carpanese, 11th International Symposoium on Electrochemical Impedance Analysis, Camogli, Italy, November 2017
  • Poster Influence of NaCl solid deposit on the oxidation of titanium alloy Ti6242S at 560°C, M. Berthaud, I. Popa, R. Chassagnon, J. Lavková, S. Chevalier, High Temperature Corrosion Solution for Energy Issues and Future Role in High Temperature Processes, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, USA, July 2017
  • Oral presentation NaCl-induced High Temperature Corrosion of β21S Ti Alloy, C. Ciszak, I. Popa, J.M. Brossard, D. Monceau, S. Chevalier, International Symposium on High Temperature Corrosion and Protecttion of Materials, Les Embiez, France, May 2016
  • Invited conference Behavior of ferritic stainless steels in SOFC and SOEC atmospheres: recent developments and coatings, S. Chevalier, I. Popa, L. Combemale, Gordon Research Conference, New-London, NH, USA, July 2015
  • Oral presentation New strategy for SOFC working at 600°C, S. Chevalier, L. Combemale, I. Popa, K. Perrin, International Conference on Fundamentals and Developments of Fuel Cells, Toulouse, France, Février 2015
  • Oral presentation Dual atmosphere study of the K41X stainless steel for interconnect application in high temperature water vapour electrolysis, M. R. Ardigo, I. Popa, L. Combemale, S. Chevalier, P. Girardon, European Hydrogen Energy Conference, Sevilla, Spain, Mars 2014
  • Oral presentation Effect of coatings on long term behaviour of a commercial stainless steel for high temperature steam electrolysis interconnect application in H2/H2O atmosphere, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, P. Girardon, F. Perry, R. Laucournet, A. Brevet, European Fuel Cell Technology & Applications, Piero Lunghi Conference, Rome, Italy, December 2013
  • Poster Effect of coatings on a commercial stainless steel for SOEC interconnect application in anode atmosphere, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, V. Parry, A. Galerie, P. Girardon, F. Perry, R. Laucournet, A. Brevet, 13th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, October 2013, Okinawa, Japon
  • Invited conference Evidence of H effect on the conductivity of oxide scales on chromia former alloys, C. Desgranges, S. Chevalier, S. Guillou, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, High Temperature Corrosion Solution for Energy Issues and Future Role in High Temperature Processes, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, USA, July 2013
  • Oral presentation Effect of coatings on a commercial stainless steel for interconnect application in high temperature water vapour electrolysis: study in anode atmosphere, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, V. Parry, A. Galerie, P. Girardon, F. Perry, R. Laucournet, A. Brevet, E. Rigal, 5th International Conference on Fundamentals & Development of Fuel Cells, Karlsruhe, Germany, April 2013
  • Oral presentation In-situ high temperature synchrotron diffraction study of T/P91 steel oxidation, I. Popa, H. Evin, C. Curfs, S. Chevalier,  XVI French-Polish Seminar on Reactivity of Solids, December 2012, Krakow, Poland
  • Oral presentation Use of isotopic marker experiments in order to understand the oxide scale growth mechanism in water vapor, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier,  XVI French-Polish Seminar on Reactivity of Solids, 10-12 décembre 2012, Cracovie, Pologne
  • Poster Effect of water vapour on the oxidation mechanisms of a commercial stainless steel for interconnect application in high temperature water vapour electrolysis, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, S. Weber, O. Heintz, M. Vilasi, 8th International Symposium on High Temperature Corrosion and Protection of Materials, Les Embiez, France, May 2012
  • Poster In-situ high temperature powder diffraction study of T/P91 steel oxidation, I. Popa, H. Evin, C. Curfs, S. Chevalier, XXII Congress and General Assembly of the IUCr, Madrid, Spain, August 2011
  • Poster Corrosion behaviour and electrical conductivity of metallic interconnects for high temperature water vapor electrolysis,  M. R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, C. Desgranges, High Temperature Corrosion Scientific Underpinning for Design and Lifetime Prediction of Materials Exposed to High Temperatures and Reactivity Extremes, 24-29 juillet 2011, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, Etats Unis
  • Oral presentation Study of the oxide scale growth on a metallic interconnect for high temperature water vapor electrolysis, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, High Temperature Corrosion Gordon-Kenan Research Seminar, July 2011, Colby-Sawyer College New London, NH, USA
  • Oral presentation Optimisation of metallic interconnect for hydrogen production by high temperature water vapour electrolysis, M. R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, W. Chandra-Ambhorn, P. Phakpeetinan, V. Parry, Y. Wouters, International Conference on Diffusion in Materials, Dijon, France, July 2011
  • Poster Study of the interactions between the LSCF cathode material and P91 steel as interconnect in SOFC at working conditions, A. Vasiliu, L. Combemale, I. Popa, G. Caboche, International Conference on Diffusion in Materials, Dijon, France, July 2011

Study of titanium alloy Ti6242S oxidation behaviour in air at 560 degrees C: Effect of oxygen dissolution on lattice parameters

M. Berthaud, I. Popa, R. Chassagnon, O. Heintz, J. Lavkova, S. Chevalier,
Journal : Corrosion Sci. - n° 164 - 2020 - 108049

Degradation mechanism of Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-Si alloy exposed to solid NaCl deposit at high temperature

Clement Ciszak, Iman Abdallah, Ioana Popa, Jean-Michel Brossard, Aurelie Vande Put, Daniel Monceau, Sebastien Chevalier,
Journal : Corrosion Sci. - n° 172 - 2020 - 108611

Impact of Selective Laser Melting Additive Manufacturing on the High Temperature Behavior of AISI 316L Austenitic Stainless Steel

Corentin Siri, Ioana Popa, Alexis Vion, Cecile Langlade, Sebastien Chevalier,
Journal : Oxid. Met. - n° 94 - 2020 - 527-548

Effect of spinel and perovskite coatings on the long term oxidation of a ferritic stainless steel in H-2/H2O atmosphere

M. R. Ardigo-Besnard, I. Popa, S. Chevalier,
Journal : Corrosion Sci. - n° 148 - 2019 - 251-263

Raman spectra analysis of ZrO2 thermally grown on Zircaloy substrates irradiated with heavy ion: Effects of oxygen isotopic substitution

Clement Ciszak, Michel Mermoux, Gaelle Gutierrez, Frederic Lepretre, Christian Duriez, Ioana Popa, Laurent Fayette, Sebastien Chevalier,
Journal : J. Raman Spectrosc. - n° 50 - 2019 - 425-435

New insight into delta-Pu alloy oxidation kinetics highlighted by using in-situ X-ray diffraction coupled with an original Rietveld refinement method

B. Ravat, L. Jolly, B. Oudot, A. Fabas, H. Guerault, I. Popa, F. Delaunay,
Journal : Corrosion Sci. - n° 138 - 2018 - 66-74

NaCl-Induced High-Temperature Corrosion of beta 21S Ti Alloy

Clement Ciszak, Ioana Popa, Jean-Michel Brossard, Daniel Monceau, Sebastien Chevalier,
Journal : Oxid. Met. - n° 87 - 2017 - 729-740

Effect of surface finishing on the oxidation behaviour of a ferritic stainless steel

M. R. Ardigo-Besnard, I. Popa, O. Heintz, R. Chassagnon, M. Vilasi, F. Herbst, P. Girardon, S. Chevalier,
Journal : Appl. Surf. Sci. - n° 412 - 2017 - 196-206

Micro-Raman analysis of the fuel-cladding interface in a high burnup PWR fuel rod

Clement Ciszak, Michel Mermoux, Sandrine Miro, Gaelle Gutierrez, Frederic Lepretre, Ioana Popa, Karine Hanifi, Isabelle Zacharie-Aubrun, Laurent Fayette, Sebastien Chevalier,
Journal : J. Nucl. Mater. - n° 495 - 2017 - 392-404

Stimulation artifact correction method for estimation of early cortico-cortical evoked potentials

Lena Trebaul, David Rudrauf, Anne-Sophie Job, Mihai Dragos Maliia, Irina Popa, Andrei Barborica, Lorella Minotti, Ioana Mindruta, Philippe Kahane, Olivier David,
Journal : J. Neurosci. Methods - n° 264 - 2016 - 94-102

NaCl induced corrosion of Ti-6Al-4V alloy at high temperature

Clement Ciszak, Ioana Popa, Jean-Michel Brossard, Daniel Monceau, Sebastien Chevalier,
Journal : Corrosion Sci. - n° 110 - 2016 - 91-104

Finite element analysis of laser shock peening of 2050-T8 aluminum alloy

Neila Hfaiedh, Patrice Peyre, Hongbin Song, Ioana Popa, Vincent Ji, Vincent Vignal,
Journal : Int. J. Fatigue - n° 70 - 2015 - 480-489

Dual atmosphere study of the K41X stainless steel for interconnect application in high temperature water vapour electrolysis

M. R. Ardigo, I. Popa, L. Combemale, S. Chevalier, F. Herbst, P. Girardon,
Journal : Int. J. Hydrog. Energy - n° 40 - 2015 - 5305-5312


Clement Csizak, Ioana Popa, Daniel Monceau, Sebastien Chevalier,
Journal : Ann. Chim.-Sci. Mat. - n° 39 - 2015 - 149-157

Planck 2013 results. III. LFI systematic uncertainties

N. Aghanim, C. Armitage-Caplan, M. Arnaud, M. Ashdown, F. Atrio-Barandela, J. Aumont, C. Baccigalupi, A. J. Banday, R. B. Barreiro, E. Battaner, K. Benabed, A. Benoit, A. Benoit-Levy, J. -P. Bernard, M. Bersanelli, P. Bielewicz, J. Bobin, J. J. Bock, A. Bonaldi, L. Bonavera, J. R. Bond, J. Borrill, F. R. Bouchet, M. Bridges, M. Bucher, C. Burigana, R. C. Butler, J. -F. Cardoso, A. Catalano, A. Chamballu, L. -Y Chiang, P. R. Cristensen, S. Church, S. C. Olombi, L. P. L. Colombo, B. P. Crill, M. Cruz, A. Curto, F. Cuttaia, L. Danese, R. D. Davies, R. J. Davis, P. de Bernardis, A. de Rose, G. de Zotti, J. Delabrouillei, J. Dick, C. Dickinson, J. M. Diego, H. Dole, S. Donzeli, O. Dore, M. Douspis, X. Dupac, G. Efstathiou, T. A. Ensslin, H. K. Eriksen, F. Finelli, O. Forni, M. Frailis, E. Franceschi, T. C. Gaier, S. Galeotta, K. Ganga, M. Giard, Y. Giraud-Heraud, E. Gjerlow, J. Gonzalez-Nuevo, K. M. Gorski, S. Gratton, A. Gregorio, A. Gruppuso, F. K. Hansen, D. Hanson, D. Harrison, S. Henrot-Versille, C. Hernandez-Monteagudo, D. Herranz, S. R. Hildebrandt, E. Hivon, M. Hobson, W. A. Holmes, A. Hornstrup, W. Hovest, K. M. Huffenberger, A. H. Jaffe, T. R. Jaffe, J. Jewell, W. C. Jones, M. Juvela, P. Kaneaslahti, E. Keihanen, R. Keskitalo, K. Kuveri, T. S. Kisner, J. Knoche, L. Knox, M. Kunz, H. Kurki-Suonio, G. Lagache, A. Lahteenmaki, J. -M. Lamarre, A. Lasenby, R. J. Laureijs, C. R. Lawrence, J. P. Leahy, R. Leonardi, J. Lesgourgues, M. Liguori, P. B. Lilje, M. Linden-Vornle, V. Lindholm, M. Lopez-Caniego, P. M. Lubin, J. F. Macias-Perez, D. Maino, N. Mandolesi, M. Maris, D. J. Marshall, P. G. Martin, E. Martinez-Gonzalez, S. Masi, M. Massardi, S. Matarrese, F. Matthai, P. Mazzotta, P. R. Meinhold, A. Melchiorri, L. Mendes, A. Mennella, M. Mieliaccio, S. Mitra, A. Moneti, L. Montier, G. Morgante, D. Mortlock, A. Moss, D. Munshi, P. Naselsky, P. Natoli, C. B. Netterfield, H. U. Norgaard-Nielsen, D. Novikov, I. Novikov, I. J. O'Dwyer, S. Osborne, F. Paci, L. Pagano, R. Paladini, D. Paoletti, B. Partridge, F. Pasian, G. Patanchon, D. Pearson, M. Peel, O. Perdereau, L. Perotto, F. Perrotta, E. Pierpaoli, D. Pietrobon, S. Plaszczynski, P. Platania, E. Pointecouteau, G. Polenta, N. Ponthieu, I. Popa, T. Poutanen, G. W. Pratt, G. Prezeau, S. Prunet, J. -L. Puget, J. P. Rachen, R. Rebolo, M. Reinecke, M. Remazeilles, S. Ricciardi, T. Riller, G. Rocha, C. Rosset, M. Rossetti, G. Roudier, J. A. Rubino-Martin, B. Rusholme, M. Sandri, D. Salltos, D. Scott, M. A. Seitiert, E. P. S. Shellard, L. D. Spencer, J. -L. Starck, V. Stolyarov, R. Stompor, F. Stueau, D. Sutton, A. -S. Sum-Uski, J. -F. Sygnet, J. A. Tauber, D. Tavaenacco, L. Terenzi, L. Toffolatti, M. Tomasi, M. Tristram, M. Tucci, J. Tuovinen, M. Turler, G. Umana, L. Valenziano, J. Vaiiviita, B. Van Tent, J. Varis, P. Vielva, F. Villa, N. Vittorio, L. A. Wade, B. D. Wandelt, R. Watson, A. Wilkinson, D. Yvon, A. Zacchei, A. Zonca,
Journal : Astron. Astrophys. - n° 571 - 2014 -

Effect of coatings on long term behaviour of a commercial stainless steel for solid oxide electrolyser cell interconnect application in H-2/H2O atmosphere

M. R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, P. Girardon, F. Perry, R. Laucournet, A. Brevet, C. Desgranges,
Journal : Int. J. Hydrog. Energy - n° 39 - 2014 - 21673-21677

Effect of Water Vapor on the Oxidation Mechanisms of a Commercial Stainless Steel for Interconnect Application in High Temperature Water Vapor Electrolysis

Maria Rosa Ardigo, Ioana Popa, Sebastien Chevalier, Sylvain Weber, Olivier Heintz, Michel Vilasi,
Journal : Oxid. Met. - n° 79 - 2013 - 495-505

Coated interconnects development for high temperature water vapour electrolysis: Study in anode atmosphere

M. R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, V. Parry, A. Galerie, P. Girardon, F. Perry, R. Laucournet, A. Brevet, E. Rigal,
Journal : Int. J. Hydrog. Energy - n° 38 - 2013 - 15910-15916

Evaluation of a new Cr-free alloy as interconnect material for hydrogen production by high temperature water vapour electrolysis: Study in cathode atmosphere

M. R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, C. Desgranges, R. Bousquet,
Journal : Int. J. Hydrog. Energy - n° 37 - 2012 - 8177-8184

Interface effects on Gd induced disordering of Co films on Pt(111)

C. Quiros, I. Popa, O. Robach, D. Wermeille, J. Diaz, R. Felici, S. Ferrer,
Journal : Surf. Sci. - n° 606 - 2012 - 933-937

Analysis of laser shock waves and resulting surface deformations in an Al-Cu-Li aluminum alloy

P. Peyre, L. Berthe, V. Vignal, I. Popa, T. Baudin,
Journal : J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys. - n° 45 - 2012 - 335304

In-situ high temperature powder diffraction study of T/P91 steel oxidation

Ioana Popa, Harold Evin, Caroline Curfs, Sebastien Chevalier,
Journal : Acta Crystallogr. Sect. A - n° 67 - 2011 -

Influence of the Electrochemical Parameters on the Properties of Electroplated Au-Cu Alloys

Etienne Brun, Frederic Durut, Ronan Botrel, Marc Theobald, Olivier Legaie, Ioana Popa, Vincent Vignal,
Journal : J. Electrochem. Soc. - n° 158 - 2011 -

Influence of long-term ageing in solution containing chloride ions on the passivity and the corrosion resistance of duplex stainless steels

V. Vignal, H. Zhang, O. Delrue, O. Heintz, I. Popa, J. Peultier,
Journal : Corrosion Sci. - n° 53 - 2011 - 894-903

The role of steps in surface catalysis and reaction oscillations

Bas L. M. Hendriksen, Marcelo D. Ackermann, Richard van Rijn, Dunja Stoltz, Ioana Popa, Olivier Balmes, Andrea Resta, Didier Wermeille, Roberto Felici, Salvador Ferrer, Joost W. M. Frenken,
Journal : Nat. Chem. - n° 2 - 2010 - 730-734

Structure and growth kinetics of the oxidation process of Fe(001) whisker surfaces over a 10-decade pressure range

Salvador Ferrer, Odile Robach, Olivier Balmes, Helena Isern, Iona Popa, Marcelo Ackerman,
Journal : Surf. Sci. - n° 604 - 2010 - 1840-1844

Buried Ni/Cu(001) interface at the atomic scale

H. L. Meyerheim, D. Sander, N. N. Negulyaev, V. S. Stepanyuk, R. Popescu, I. Popa, J. Kirschner,
Journal : Phys. Rev. Lett. - n° 100 - 2008 - 146101

Stacking dependent disordering processes in Gd/Co/Pt(111) studied with surface x-ray diffraction

C. Quios, I. Popa, O. Robach, D. Wermeille, J. Diaz, R. Felici, S. Ferrer,
Journal : Phys. Rev. B - n° 78 - 2008 - 195406

In situ neutron diffraction study of the nitrogenation process applied to NdFe10.5V1.5 alloys

I. Popa, S. Rivoirard, P. de Rango, D. Fruchart,
Journal : J. Alloy. Compd. - n° 428 - 2007 - 44-48

Surfactant-mediated growth revisited

H. L. Meyerheim, D. Sander, R. Popescu, W. Pan, I. Popa, J. Kirschner,
Journal : Phys. Rev. Lett. - n° 99 - 2007 - 116101

Influence of spin reorientation on the magnetoelastic properties of NdFe10.5V1.5

HK Fadafan, MR Alinejad, N Tajabor, D Fruchart, P de Rango, I Popa, D Gignoux,
Journal : J. Magn. Magn. Mater. - n° 302 - 2006 - 294-296

Texture development in Nd-Fe-V and Nd-Fe-B alloys by hot forging in view of improving permanent magnet properties

S Rivoirard, I Popa, D Chateigner, B Ouladdiaf, P de Rango, D Fruchart,
Journal : SOLID STATE PHENOMEN - n° 105 - 2005 - 291-296

Texture development in Nd-Fe-V alloys by hot deformation in view of permanent magnet properties

I Popa, S Rivoirard, D Chateigner, T Hansen, D Fruchart,
Journal : MATER SCI FORUM - n° - 2005 - 1389-1394

The Surface Structure of Model Catalyst in Action Investigated by X-ray Diffraction

S. Ferrer, Marcelo D. Ackermann, O. Robach, B. L. M. Hendriksen, I. Popa, J. Frenken,
Journal : Acta Crystallogr. Sect. A - n° 61 - 2005 -

Structure and reactivity of surface oxides on Pt(110) during catalytic CO oxidation

MD Ackermann, TM Pedersen, BLM Hendriksen, O Robach, SC Bobaru, I Popa, C Quiros, H Kim, B Hammer, S Ferrer, JWM Frenken,
Journal : Phys. Rev. Lett. - n° 95 - 2005 - 255505

A magnetic study of the maraging 350 steel

SSM Tavares, HFG Abreu, JM Neto, MR da Silva, I Popa,
Journal : J. Magn. Magn. Mater. - n° 272 - 2004 - 785-787

Analysis of the magnetic contribution of vanadium in RFe12-XVX and RFe12-XVXHY (R = Nd, Y) systems

I Popa, D Fruchart, P de Rango, S Rivoirard, P Wolfers,
Journal : J. Magn. Magn. Mater. - n° 272 - 2004 - 539-541

A thermomagnetic study of the martensite-austenite phase transition in the maraging 350 steel

SSM Tavares, HFG Abreu, JM Neto, MR da Silva, I Popa,
Journal : J. Alloy. Compd. - n° 358 - 2003 - 152-156

High-speed forged NdFe12-XVX compounds for bonded magnets

I Popa, P de Rango, D Fruchart, S Rivoirard,
Journal : J. Magn. Magn. Mater. - n° 242 - 2002 - 1388-1390

Localisation of Zr in Nd-Fe-B alloys

P de Rango, FN Genin, D Fruchart, A Traverse, S Rivoirard, I Popa,
Journal : J. Magn. Magn. Mater. - n° 226 - 2001 - 1377-1378

Characterization of PuO/PuCO-Type Phase and its Influence on the Oxidation Kinetics of delta-Plutonium

N. Favart, B. Ravat, L. Jolly, B. Oudot, L. Berlu, F. Delaunay, I. Popa, S. Chevalier,
Journal : Oxid. Met. - n° - 0 -

Impact of Water Vapor on the High Temperature Oxidation of Wrought and Selective Laser Melted (SLM) AISI 316L

Corentin Siri, Ioana Popa, Alexis Vion, Cecile Langlade, Sebastien Chevalier,
Journal : Oxid. Met. - n° - 0 -

Comparison Between the Oxidation Behaviors of Ti6242S, Ti6246, TiXT Alloys, and Pure Titanium

Benjamin Vincent, Virgil Optasanu, Frederic Herbst, Sebastien Chevalier, Ioana Popa, Tony Montesin, Luc Lavisse,
Journal : Oxid. Met. - n° - 0 -
Agent(e) de service
{tab=Carrière} # {tab=Projets} # {tab=Publications} # {tab=Communications} # {tab=Enseignements} # {tab=Administration} # {/tabs}
a:1:{i:0;s:51:"Procédés Métallurgiques, Durabilité, Matériaux";}
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Maître de Conférences à l'Université de Bourgogne (depuis 2007)

Délégation de Recherche au CEA Valduc (2011-2014)

Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches de l’Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté (2018) 


Doctorat de l’Université J. Fourier Grenoble (2003)

Post-doc au synchrotron européen ESRF Grenoble (2003-2007)


Travaux de recherches dans le domaine de la réactivité des matériaux métalliques en vue d’applications dans la production d’énergie ou dans l’aéronautique. Matériaux élaborées par voie classique ou par fabrication additive. Etudes cristallographiques de laboratoire ou aux grands instruments.

[/tab] [tab title=Projets] En cours Projet ANR ALTITUDE (2019-2021) – Nouvel ALliage de TITane haUte température pour applications aéronautiques de DEmain Terminés
  • Projet ANR TESAMI (2012-2016) – Titane Et Ses Alliages en Milieu Irradiant
  • Projet ANR ICARE (2009-2013) – InterConnecteurs en Alliage REvêtu
  • Projet ANR CAPSUL (2007-2010) – CAractérisation des Propriétés mécano-électrochimiques de SUrfaces traitées mécaniquement par Laser
[/tab] [tab title=Communications] Oral presentation High temperature corrosion of Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-Si alloy in presence of solid NaCl or NaCl-Na2SO4 deposits, C. Ciszak, M. Berthaud, I. Popa, J.M. Brossard, D. Monceau, S. Chevalier, International Symposium on High Temperature Oxidation and Corrosion, Matsue, Japan, October 2018 Poster presention Evolution of the mechanical properties of Ti6242S alloy after oxidation in air at 560°C: influence of solid salts deposits, M. Berthaud, C. Ciszak, I. Popa, D. Monceau, S. Chevalier, International Symposium on High Temperature Oxidation and Corrosion, Matsue, Japan, October 2018 Oral presentation Active corrosion phenomena in presence of solid NaCl deposits: case of steels and titanium alloys, I. Popa, C. Ciszak, M. Berthaud, A. Tellier, A. Curnis, J.M. Brossard, D. Monceau, S. Chevalier, EFC Workshop, Frankfurt am Main September 2018 Invited conference Use of large instruments for high temperature corrosion studies, I. Popa, CorroHT Summer School, Porticcio, June 2018 Oral presentation Interconnect reactivity in dual atmosphere in SOFC/SOEC conditions, S. Chevalier, I. Popa, L. Combemale, G. Caboche, P. Carpanese, 11th International Symposoium on Electrochemical Impedance Analysis, Camogli, Italy, November 2017 Poster Influence of NaCl solid deposit on the oxidation of titanium alloy Ti6242S at 560°C, M. Berthaud, I. Popa, R. Chassagnon, J. Lavková, S. Chevalier, High Temperature Corrosion Solution for Energy Issues and Future Role in High Temperature Processes, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, USA, July 2017 Oral presentation NaCl-induced High Temperature Corrosion of β21S Ti Alloy, C. Ciszak, I. Popa, J.M. Brossard, D. Monceau, S. Chevalier, International Symposium on High Temperature Corrosion and Protecttion of Materials, Les Embiez, France, May 2016 Invited conference Behavior of ferritic stainless steels in SOFC and SOEC atmospheres: recent developments and coatings, S. Chevalier, I. Popa, L. Combemale, Gordon Research Conference, New-London, NH, USA, July 2015 Oral presentation New strategy for SOFC working at 600°C, S. Chevalier, L. Combemale, I. Popa, K. Perrin, International Conference on Fundamentals and Developments of Fuel Cells, Toulouse, France, Février 2015 Oral presentation Dual atmosphere study of the K41X stainless steel for interconnect application in high temperature water vapour electrolysis, M. R. Ardigo, I. Popa, L. Combemale, S. Chevalier, P. Girardon, European Hydrogen Energy Conference, Sevilla, Spain, Mars 2014 Oral presentation Effect of coatings on long term behaviour of a commercial stainless steel for high temperature steam electrolysis interconnect application in H2/H2O atmosphere, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, P. Girardon, F. Perry, R. Laucournet, A. Brevet, European Fuel Cell Technology & Applications, Piero Lunghi Conference, Rome, Italy, December 2013 Poster Effect of coatings on a commercial stainless steel for SOEC interconnect application in anode atmosphere, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, V. Parry, A. Galerie, P. Girardon, F. Perry, R. Laucournet, A. Brevet, 13th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, October 2013, Okinawa, Japon Invited conference Evidence of H effect on the conductivity of oxide scales on chromia former alloys, C. Desgranges, S. Chevalier, S. Guillou, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, High Temperature Corrosion Solution for Energy Issues and Future Role in High Temperature Processes, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, USA, July 2013 Oral presentation Effect of coatings on a commercial stainless steel for interconnect application in high temperature water vapour electrolysis: study in anode atmosphere, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, V. Parry, A. Galerie, P. Girardon, F. Perry, R. Laucournet, A. Brevet, E. Rigal, 5th International Conference on Fundamentals & Development of Fuel Cells, Karlsruhe, Germany, April 2013 Oral presentation In-situ high temperature synchrotron diffraction study of T/P91 steel oxidation, I. Popa, H. Evin, C. Curfs, S. Chevalier,  XVI French-Polish Seminar on Reactivity of Solids, December 2012, Krakow, Poland Oral presentation Use of isotopic marker experiments in order to understand the oxide scale growth mechanism in water vapor, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier,  XVI French-Polish Seminar on Reactivity of Solids, 10-12 décembre 2012, Cracovie, Pologne Poster Effect of water vapour on the oxidation mechanisms of a commercial stainless steel for interconnect application in high temperature water vapour electrolysis, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, S. Weber, O. Heintz, M. Vilasi, 8th International Symposium on High Temperature Corrosion and Protection of Materials, Les Embiez, France, May 2012 Poster In-situ high temperature powder diffraction study of T/P91 steel oxidation, I. Popa, H. Evin, C. Curfs, S. Chevalier, XXII Congress and General Assembly of the IUCr, Madrid, Spain, August 2011 Poster Corrosion behaviour and electrical conductivity of metallic interconnects for high temperature water vapor electrolysis,  M. R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, C. Desgranges, High Temperature Corrosion Scientific Underpinning for Design and Lifetime Prediction of Materials Exposed to High Temperatures and Reactivity Extremes, 24-29 juillet 2011, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, Etats Unis Oral presentation Study of the oxide scale growth on a metallic interconnect for high temperature water vapor electrolysis, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, High Temperature Corrosion Gordon-Kenan Research Seminar, July 2011, Colby-Sawyer College New London, NH, USA Oral presentation Optimisation of metallic interconnect for hydrogen production by high temperature water vapour electrolysis, M. R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, W. Chandra-Ambhorn, P. Phakpeetinan, V. Parry, Y. Wouters, International Conference on Diffusion in Materials, Dijon, France, July 2011 Poster Study of the interactions between the LSCF cathode material and P91 steel as interconnect in SOFC at working conditions, A. Vasiliu, L. Combemale, I. Popa, G. Caboche, International Conference on Diffusion in Materials, Dijon, France, July 2011 [/tab] [tab title=Publications] [/tab] [/tabs]

Maître de Conférences à l'Université de Bourgogne (depuis 2007)

Délégation de Recherche au CEA Valduc (2011-2014)

Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches de l’Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté (2018) 


Doctorat de l’Université J. Fourier Grenoble (2003)

Post-doc au synchrotron européen ESRF Grenoble (2003-2007)


Travaux de recherches dans le domaine de la réactivité des matériaux métalliques en vue d’applications dans la production d’énergie ou dans l’aéronautique. Matériaux élaborées par voie classique ou par fabrication additive. Etudes cristallographiques de laboratoire ou aux grands instruments.

En cours Projet ANR ALTITUDE (2019-2021) – Nouvel ALliage de TITane haUte température pour applications aéronautiques de DEmain Terminés
  • Projet ANR TESAMI (2012-2016) – Titane Et Ses Alliages en Milieu Irradiant
  • Projet ANR ICARE (2009-2013) – InterConnecteurs en Alliage REvêtu
  • Projet ANR CAPSUL (2007-2010) – CAractérisation des Propriétés mécano-électrochimiques de SUrfaces traitées mécaniquement par Laser
  • Oral presentation High temperature corrosion of Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-Si alloy in presence of solid NaCl or NaCl-Na2SO4 deposits, C. Ciszak, M. Berthaud, I. Popa, J.M. Brossard, D. Monceau, S. Chevalier, International Symposium on High Temperature Oxidation and Corrosion, Matsue, Japan, October 2018
  • Poster presention Evolution of the mechanical properties of Ti6242S alloy after oxidation in air at 560°C: influence of solid salts deposits, M. Berthaud, C. Ciszak, I. Popa, D. Monceau, S. Chevalier, International Symposium on High Temperature Oxidation and Corrosion, Matsue, Japan, October 2018
  • Oral presentation Active corrosion phenomena in presence of solid NaCl deposits: case of steels and titanium alloys, I. Popa, C. Ciszak, M. Berthaud, A. Tellier, A. Curnis, J.M. Brossard, D. Monceau, S. Chevalier, EFC Workshop, Frankfurt am Main September 2018
  • Invited conference Use of large instruments for high temperature corrosion studies, I. Popa, CorroHT Summer School, Porticcio, June 2018
  • Oral presentation Interconnect reactivity in dual atmosphere in SOFC/SOEC conditions, S. Chevalier, I. Popa, L. Combemale, G. Caboche, P. Carpanese, 11th International Symposoium on Electrochemical Impedance Analysis, Camogli, Italy, November 2017
  • Poster Influence of NaCl solid deposit on the oxidation of titanium alloy Ti6242S at 560°C, M. Berthaud, I. Popa, R. Chassagnon, J. Lavková, S. Chevalier, High Temperature Corrosion Solution for Energy Issues and Future Role in High Temperature Processes, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, USA, July 2017
  • Oral presentation NaCl-induced High Temperature Corrosion of β21S Ti Alloy, C. Ciszak, I. Popa, J.M. Brossard, D. Monceau, S. Chevalier, International Symposium on High Temperature Corrosion and Protecttion of Materials, Les Embiez, France, May 2016
  • Invited conference Behavior of ferritic stainless steels in SOFC and SOEC atmospheres: recent developments and coatings, S. Chevalier, I. Popa, L. Combemale, Gordon Research Conference, New-London, NH, USA, July 2015
  • Oral presentation New strategy for SOFC working at 600°C, S. Chevalier, L. Combemale, I. Popa, K. Perrin, International Conference on Fundamentals and Developments of Fuel Cells, Toulouse, France, Février 2015
  • Oral presentation Dual atmosphere study of the K41X stainless steel for interconnect application in high temperature water vapour electrolysis, M. R. Ardigo, I. Popa, L. Combemale, S. Chevalier, P. Girardon, European Hydrogen Energy Conference, Sevilla, Spain, Mars 2014
  • Oral presentation Effect of coatings on long term behaviour of a commercial stainless steel for high temperature steam electrolysis interconnect application in H2/H2O atmosphere, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, P. Girardon, F. Perry, R. Laucournet, A. Brevet, European Fuel Cell Technology & Applications, Piero Lunghi Conference, Rome, Italy, December 2013
  • Poster Effect of coatings on a commercial stainless steel for SOEC interconnect application in anode atmosphere, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, V. Parry, A. Galerie, P. Girardon, F. Perry, R. Laucournet, A. Brevet, 13th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, October 2013, Okinawa, Japon
  • Invited conference Evidence of H effect on the conductivity of oxide scales on chromia former alloys, C. Desgranges, S. Chevalier, S. Guillou, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, High Temperature Corrosion Solution for Energy Issues and Future Role in High Temperature Processes, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, USA, July 2013
  • Oral presentation Effect of coatings on a commercial stainless steel for interconnect application in high temperature water vapour electrolysis: study in anode atmosphere, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, V. Parry, A. Galerie, P. Girardon, F. Perry, R. Laucournet, A. Brevet, E. Rigal, 5th International Conference on Fundamentals & Development of Fuel Cells, Karlsruhe, Germany, April 2013
  • Oral presentation In-situ high temperature synchrotron diffraction study of T/P91 steel oxidation, I. Popa, H. Evin, C. Curfs, S. Chevalier,  XVI French-Polish Seminar on Reactivity of Solids, December 2012, Krakow, Poland
  • Oral presentation Use of isotopic marker experiments in order to understand the oxide scale growth mechanism in water vapor, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier,  XVI French-Polish Seminar on Reactivity of Solids, 10-12 décembre 2012, Cracovie, Pologne
  • Poster Effect of water vapour on the oxidation mechanisms of a commercial stainless steel for interconnect application in high temperature water vapour electrolysis, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, S. Weber, O. Heintz, M. Vilasi, 8th International Symposium on High Temperature Corrosion and Protection of Materials, Les Embiez, France, May 2012
  • Poster In-situ high temperature powder diffraction study of T/P91 steel oxidation, I. Popa, H. Evin, C. Curfs, S. Chevalier, XXII Congress and General Assembly of the IUCr, Madrid, Spain, August 2011
  • Poster Corrosion behaviour and electrical conductivity of metallic interconnects for high temperature water vapor electrolysis,  M. R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, C. Desgranges, High Temperature Corrosion Scientific Underpinning for Design and Lifetime Prediction of Materials Exposed to High Temperatures and Reactivity Extremes, 24-29 juillet 2011, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, Etats Unis
  • Oral presentation Study of the oxide scale growth on a metallic interconnect for high temperature water vapor electrolysis, M.R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, High Temperature Corrosion Gordon-Kenan Research Seminar, July 2011, Colby-Sawyer College New London, NH, USA
  • Oral presentation Optimisation of metallic interconnect for hydrogen production by high temperature water vapour electrolysis, M. R. Ardigo, I. Popa, S. Chevalier, W. Chandra-Ambhorn, P. Phakpeetinan, V. Parry, Y. Wouters, International Conference on Diffusion in Materials, Dijon, France, July 2011
  • Poster Study of the interactions between the LSCF cathode material and P91 steel as interconnect in SOFC at working conditions, A. Vasiliu, L. Combemale, I. Popa, G. Caboche, International Conference on Diffusion in Materials, Dijon, France, July 2011
Liste des publications

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