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Fiche de : LESNIEWSKA Eric

Département :

Fonction : Professor in Biophysics Assessor of Pedagogy in Health Science Faculty Board Assessor of Finance in Health Science Faculty Board [caption id="attachment_10475" align="alignnone" width="300"] HS-AFM experiments[/caption]

Localisation :
Nanosense Lab Team – Dept. Nanosciences
Office DR08 – Experimental rooms: DS12, DS14, DS21-DS25
Université de Bourgogne Franche Comté
9 Av. Savary – BP 47870
21078 Dijon, France
Tél. : Tel. +33.380.396026 / +33.380.39.6034
E-mail :

Since 2006 Professor in Biophysics, University of Bourgogne, France 2003 Qualification for Professor of the Universities
In section Dense mediums and materials
In section Chemistry theoretical, Physics, Analytics In section Physicochemical sciences and pharmaceutical technologies 1994-2003 Associate Professor in Biophysics at the University of Dijon 1992-1994 Assistant Professor in Physics at the University of Dijon 1991- 1992 Post doctoral position at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (TN, USA)
Health and Safety Research Division – Supervisor Dr. T.L. Ferrell
Subject: “Development of Ultra High Vacuum Scanning Tunneling Microscope for biological use – Sequencing DNA US project

My particular research interests cover development of new imaging investigation techniques based on scanning probe microscopy: ultrasound acoustic, microwave, high-speed atomic force microscopy, infra-red spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy (SERS), and nanoprobe development: thermal, pH, conductimetry, TERS nanoprobes. These developments have been devoted in chemistry to the study of early plaster and cement setting, the role superplasticizer during hydration (Lafarge, BASF, Sika Technology). In material science, my research is devoted to the non-destructive detection of inclusions, measurement of gradual changes due to diffusion of light chemical elements, and microstructural changes (Areva, CEA), interparticular interactions in drug powders (GSK, Pfizer, Armor Pharma). In biology, my research concerned the study of living cell, bacteria for biofuel production, effect of laser ablation on eye tissues, dynamics of membrane proteins (LCP, I2CB, Inra). I always tried to validate and enhance my development with industrial partnerships looking for innovation in nanoscience.

1. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. How to identify lipid vesicles by AFM-IR and multi-frequency AFM? XIX Annual Linz Winter Workshop, 3-6 February 2017, Linz, Austria.
2. E. LESNIEWSKA. Conférence invitée. Identification of contaminants on excipients using ultrasound AFM. AFM User meeting 2016, 23-24 November 2016, CEA Saclay, Orsay, France.
3. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. Investigation of Murine Norovirus infection on HS-AFM-SERS platform. 4th Kanazawa Bio-AFM meeting, 3-6 October 2016, Kanazawa, Japan.
4. E. LESNIEWSKA, Conférence invitée. Nanostructure analysis of gypsum and force at the origin of the setting of plaster. Microstructure and Mechanics of Gypsum. Saint Gobain, 21 juin 2016, Paris, France.
5. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. Combining AFM-IR and Mode Synthesizing Atomic Force Microscopy: Application to the study of lipid vesicles inside bacteria. XVIII Annual Linz Winter Workshop, January 29th – February 1st, 2016, Linz, Austria.
6. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. Combining AFM-IR and Mode Synthesizing Atomic Force Microscopy: Application to the study of lipid vesicles inside bacteria. XVII Annual Linz Winter Workshop, January 29th – February 1st, 2015, Linz, Austria.
7. E. LESNIEWSKA, Conférence invitée AFM imaging to measure chemical-physics properties at the nanoscale. Nanothermodynamics Workshop, 1-5 December 2014, Leiden, the Netherlands.
8. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. Tomographic multi-frequency microscopy for depth investigation on soft samples. AFM User’s meeting 2014, 19-20 November 2014, Reims, France.
9. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. Acoustic, microwave and infrared imaging used for lipid investigations. ISPM 2014. 16th International Scanning Probe Meeting. June 29 – July 2, 2014, Seoul, Korea.
10. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy on proteins. AFM User’s meeting 2013, 20-21 November 2013, Lyon, France.

1. E. Bourillot, D. Carriou, E.N. Aybeke, P. Vitry, S. Weidmann, J. Guzzo, E. Lesniewska. Direct HS-AFM observation of lipid bilayer protection by small heat shock proteins. Small, (2016). In press. I.F. 8.36.
2. V. Optasanu, E. Bourillot, R. Selon, L. Lavisse, A. Sanchot, P. Vitry, A. Kanjer, P. Berger, E. Lesniewska, T. Montesin. Advance in revelant characterization techniques H-10 Characterization of oxygen-enriched layers of TA6V, Titanium and Zirconium by Scanning Microwave Microscopy. Oxidation of Metals, (2016). Accepted
3. R.E. Ionescu, E.N. Aybeke, E. Bourillot, Y. Lacroute, E. Lesniewska, P.M. Adam, JL. Bijeon. Fabrication of annealed gold particules on pre-treated glow-discharge cleaned glasses and their used for LSPR and SERS detection of adsorbed (bio)molecules, Sensor 17(2), 236 (2017). I.F. 2.4
4. E.N. Aybeke, G. Belliot, S. Lemaire, M. Estienney, Y. Lacroute, P. Pothier, E. Bourillot, E. Lesniewska. HS-AFM and SERS analysis of Murine Norovirus infection: involvement of the lipid rafts, Small, 13, 1 (2017). I.F. 8.36.
5. JR Rocca-Smith, T Karbowiak, E Marcuzzo, A Sensidoni, F Piasente, D. Champion, O. Heinz, P. Vitry, E. Bourillot, E. Lesniewska, F. Debeaufort. Impact of corona treatment on PLA film properties. Polymer Degradation and Stability 132, 109 (2016). I.F. 3.12.
6. P Vitry, E Bourillot, L Tétard, C Plassard, Y Lacroute, E Lesniewska. Modesynthesizing atomic force microscopy for volume characterization of mixed metal nanoparticles. J. Microscopy 263(3), 307 (2016). I.F. 2.33.
7. G Leclercq, I Laïos, C Elie-Caille, D Leiber, G Laurent, E Lesniewska, Y. Jacquot. ERα dimerization: a key factor for the weak estrogenic activity of an ERα modulator unable to compete with estradiol in binding assays. J Receptors and Signal Transduction 37 (2), 149 (2017). I.F. 2.32.
8. P Vitry, R Rebois, E Bourillot, A Deniset-Besseau, MJ Virolle, E. Lesniewska, A. Dazzi. Combining infrared and mode synthesizing atomic force microscopy: Application to the study of lipid vesicles inside Streptomyces bacteria. Nano Research 9(6), 1674 (2016). I.F. 8.893.
9. S.N. Pleskova, E.N. Aybeke, E Bourillot, E Lesniewska. Characteristics of morphological differences of detergent-resistant membrane domains isolated from different cells and investigated by atomic force microscopy. Cell and Tissue Biology 10 (3), 233 (2016). I.F. 1.518.
10. M Delhorme, C Labbez, M Turesson, E Lesniewska, CE Woodward. Aggregation of Calcium Silicate Hydrate Nanoplatelets. Langmuir 32 (8), 2058 (2016). I.F. 3.993
11. SN Pleskova, EN Aybeke, E Bourillot, E Lesniewska. Characterization of the difference in the morphology of detergent resistant membranes domains isolated from different cell types by atomic force microscopy. Tsitologiia 58(2), 120 (2015).
12. P. Vitry, E. Bourillot, C. Plassard, Y. Lacroute, E. Calkins, L. Tétard, E. Lesniewska. Mode-synthesizing atomic force microscopy for 3D reconstruction of embedded low-density dielectric nanostructures. Nano Research, 8 (7), 2199 (2015). IF 8.893.
13. O Mouawad, P Vitry, C Strutynski, J Picot-Clémente, F Désévédavy, G Gadret, J-C Jules, E Lesniewska, F Smektala. Atmospheric aging and surface degradation in As 2 S 3 fibers in relation with suspended-core profile. Optical Materials 44, 25 (2015). I.F. 2.183.
14. E.N. Aybeke, Y. Lacroute, C. Elie-Caille, A. Bouhelier, E. Bourillot, E. Lesniewska. Homogeneous large-scale crystalline nanoparticle-covered substrate with high SERS performance. Nanotechnology, 26(24), 245302 (2015). IF 3.573.
15. A Laguerre, Y Chang, M Pirrotta, N Desbois, CP Gros, E Lesniewska, D. Monchaud. Surface-promoted aggregation of amphiphilic quadruplex ligands drives their selectivity for alternative DNA structures. Organic & biomolecular chemistry 13 (25), 7034 (2015). I.F. 3.559.
16. E Bourillot, P Vitry, V Optasanu, C Plassard, Y Lacroute, T Montessin. E. Lesniewska. Solid Solution Characterization in Metal by Original Tomographic Scanning Microwave Microscopy Technique. Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2015, 65, 72 (2015).
17. O Mouawad, F Amrani, B Kibler, J Picot-Clémente, C Strutynski, J Fatome, F Désévédavy, G Gadret, JC Jules, O Heintz, E Lesniewska, F Smektala. Impact of optical and structural aging in As2S3 microstructured optical fibers on mid-infrared supercontinuum generation. Optics express 22 (20), 23912 (2014). I.F. 3.148.
18. P. Vitry, E. Bourillot, C. Plassard, Y. Lacroute, L. Tetard, E. Lesniewska. Advances in quantitative nanoscale subsurface imaging by mode-synthesizing atomic force microscopy. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105(5), 053110 (2014). IF 3.515
19. M. Ewald, L. Tetard, C. Elie-Caille, L. Nicod, A. Passian, E. Bourillot, E. Lesniewska. From surface to intracellular non-invasive nanoscale study of living cells impairments. Nanotechnology 25 (29), 295101 (2014). IF 3.67
20. R. Zeggari, J.F. Manceau, E.N. Aybeke, R. Yahiaoui, E. Lesniewska, W. Boireau. Design and fabrication of an acoustic micromixer for biological media activation. Procedia Engineering 87, 935 (2014).
21. V. Optasanu, E. Bourillot, P. Vitry, C. Plassard, L. Beaurenaut, P. Jacquinot, P. Berger, E. Lesniewska, T. Montesin. High-resolution characterization of the diffusion of light chemical elements in metallic components by Scanning Microwave Microscopy. Nanoscale, 6 (24), 14932 (2014). IF 7.76.

Since 2006 Professor in Biophysics, University of Bourgogne, France 2003 Qualification for Professor of the Universities
In section Dense mediums and materials
In section Chemistry theoretical, Physics, Analytics In section Physicochemical sciences and pharmaceutical technologies 1994-2003 Associate Professor in Biophysics at the University of Dijon 1992-1994 Assistant Professor in Physics at the University of Dijon 1991- 1992 Post doctoral position at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (TN, USA)
Health and Safety Research Division – Supervisor Dr. T.L. Ferrell
Subject: “Development of Ultra High Vacuum Scanning Tunneling Microscope for biological use – Sequencing DNA US project

My particular research interests cover development of new imaging investigation techniques based on scanning probe microscopy: ultrasound acoustic, microwave, high-speed atomic force microscopy, infra-red spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy (SERS), and nanoprobe development: thermal, pH, conductimetry, TERS nanoprobes. These developments have been devoted in chemistry to the study of early plaster and cement setting, the role superplasticizer during hydration (Lafarge, BASF, Sika Technology). In material science, my research is devoted to the non-destructive detection of inclusions, measurement of gradual changes due to diffusion of light chemical elements, and microstructural changes (Areva, CEA), interparticular interactions in drug powders (GSK, Pfizer, Armor Pharma). In biology, my research concerned the study of living cell, bacteria for biofuel production, effect of laser ablation on eye tissues, dynamics of membrane proteins (LCP, I2CB, Inra). I always tried to validate and enhance my development with industrial partnerships looking for innovation in nanoscience.

1. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. How to identify lipid vesicles by AFM-IR and multi-frequency AFM? XIX Annual Linz Winter Workshop, 3-6 February 2017, Linz, Austria.
2. E. LESNIEWSKA. Conférence invitée. Identification of contaminants on excipients using ultrasound AFM. AFM User meeting 2016, 23-24 November 2016, CEA Saclay, Orsay, France.
3. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. Investigation of Murine Norovirus infection on HS-AFM-SERS platform. 4th Kanazawa Bio-AFM meeting, 3-6 October 2016, Kanazawa, Japan.
4. E. LESNIEWSKA, Conférence invitée. Nanostructure analysis of gypsum and force at the origin of the setting of plaster. Microstructure and Mechanics of Gypsum. Saint Gobain, 21 juin 2016, Paris, France.
5. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. Combining AFM-IR and Mode Synthesizing Atomic Force Microscopy: Application to the study of lipid vesicles inside bacteria. XVIII Annual Linz Winter Workshop, January 29th – February 1st, 2016, Linz, Austria.
6. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. Combining AFM-IR and Mode Synthesizing Atomic Force Microscopy: Application to the study of lipid vesicles inside bacteria. XVII Annual Linz Winter Workshop, January 29th – February 1st, 2015, Linz, Austria.
7. E. LESNIEWSKA, Conférence invitée AFM imaging to measure chemical-physics properties at the nanoscale. Nanothermodynamics Workshop, 1-5 December 2014, Leiden, the Netherlands.
8. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. Tomographic multi-frequency microscopy for depth investigation on soft samples. AFM User’s meeting 2014, 19-20 November 2014, Reims, France.
9. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. Acoustic, microwave and infrared imaging used for lipid investigations. ISPM 2014. 16th International Scanning Probe Meeting. June 29 – July 2, 2014, Seoul, Korea.
10. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy on proteins. AFM User’s meeting 2013, 20-21 November 2013, Lyon, France.

3D Electromagnetic Field Analysis Applied to Evaluate the Accuracy of a Voltage Transformer under Distorted Voltage

Elzbieta Lesniewska, Michal Kaczmarek, Ernest Stano,
Journal : Energies - n° 14 - 2021 - 136

Influence of the Selection of the Core Shape and Winding Arrangement on the Accuracy of Current Transformers with Through-Going Primary Cable

Elzbieta Lesniewska,
Journal : Energies - n° 14 - 2021 - 1932

Perspectives on Astringency Sensation: An Alternative Hypothesis on the Molecular Origin of Astringency

Francis Canon, Christine Belloir, Eric Bourillot, Helene Brignot, Loic Briand, Gilles Feron, Eric Lesniewska, Clement Nivet, Chantal Septier, Mathieu Schwartz, Carole Tournier, Roberto Vargiolu, Mei Wang, Hassan Zahouani, Fabrice Neiers,
Journal : J. Agric. Food Chem. - n° 69 - 2021 - 3822-3826

Reprogramming mRNA Expression in Response to Defect in RNA Polymerase III Assembly in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Izabela Rudzinska, Malgorzata Ciesla, Tomasz W. Turowski, Alicja Armatowska, Ewa Lesniewska, Magdalena Boguta,
Journal : Int. J. Mol. Sci. - n° 22 - 2021 - 7298

Inhibition of tRNA Gene Transcription by the Immunosuppressant Mycophenolic Acid

Aneta Jurkiewicz, Ewa Lesniewska, Malgorzata Ciesla, Neuton Gorjao, Theodoros Kantidakis, Robert J. White, Magdalena Boguta, Damian Graczyk,
Journal : Mol. Cell. Biol. - n° 40 - 2020 -

Repression of yeast RNA polymerase III by stress leads to ubiquitylation and proteasomal degradation of its largest subunit, C160

Ewa Lesniewska, Malgorzata Ciesla, Magdalena Boguta,
Journal : Biochim. Biophys. Acta-Gene Regul. Mech. - n° 1862 - 2019 - 25-34


Cedric Thomas, N. Pocholle, E. Bourillot, L. Kerriou, V. Gamerre, E. Lesniewska,
Journal : J. Aerosol Med. Pulm. Drug Deliv. - n° 32 - 2019 -

Polysaccharide Chain Length of Lipopolysaccharides From Salmonella Minnesota Is a Determinant of Aggregate Stability, Plasma Residence Time and Proinflammatory Propensity in vivo

Wahib Sali, Danish Patoli, Jean-Paul Pais de Barros, Jerome Labbe, Valerie Deckert, Vincent Duheron, Naig Le Guern, Denis Blache, Denis Chaumont, Eric Lesniewska, Benoit Gasquet, Catherine Paul, Mathieu Moreau, Franck Denat, David Masson, Laurent Lagrost, Thomas Gautier,
Journal : Front. Microbiol. - n° 10 - 2019 - 1774

Behaviour of measuring current transformers with cores composed from different magnetic materials at non-rated loads and overcurrents

Elzbieta Lesniewska, Regina Rajchert,
Journal : IET Sci. Meas. Technol. - n° 13 - 2019 - 944-948

Nanoscale Mapping of the Physical Surface Properties of Human Buccal Cells and Changes Induced by Saliva

Ece Neslihan Aybeke, Sarah Ployon, Marine Brule, Brice De Fonseca, Eric Bourillot, Martine Morzel, Eric Lesniewska, Francis Canon,
Journal : Langmuir - n° 35 - 2019 - 12647-12655

Occurrence and stability of hetero-hexamer associations formed by beta-carboxysome CcmK shell components

Luis F. Garcia-Alles, Katharina Root, Laurent Maveyraud, Nathalie Aubry, Eric Lesniewska, Lionel Mourey, Renato Zenobi, Gilles Truan,
Journal : PLoS One - n° 14 - 2019 -

Optimization of physicochemical and optical properties of nanocrystalline TiO2 deposited on porous silicon by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD)

S. Oussidhoum, D. Hocine, D. Chaumont, A. Crisbasan, M. Bensidhoum, E. Bourennane, A. Moussi, E. Lesniewska, N. Geoffroy, M. S. Belkaid,
Journal : Mater. Res. Express - n° 6 - 2019 - 125917

Effect of bismuth oxide nanoparticles on the physicochemical properties of porous silicon thin films

S. Oussidhoum, D. Hocine, M. O. Bensidhoum, D. Chaumont, E. Bourennane, S. Boudinar, A. Moussi, E. Lesniewska, N. Geoffroy, M. S. Belakid,
Journal : Bull. Mat. Sci. - n° 43 - 2019 - 33


Cedric Thomas, N. Pocholle, E. Bourillot, A. Kervinio, L. Kerriou, V. Gamerre, C. Andres, E. Lesniewska,
Journal : J. Aerosol Med. Pulm. Drug Deliv. - n° 31 - 2018 -

Mechanisms of astringency: Structural alteration of the oral mucosal pellicle by dietary tannins and protective effect of bPRPs

Sarah Ployon, Martine Morzel, Christine Belloir, Aline Bonnotte, Eric Bourillot, Loic Briand, Eric Lesniewska, Jeannine Lherminier, Ece Aybeke, Francis Canon,
Journal : Food Chem. - n° 253 - 2018 - 79-87

Improvement of the Insulation System of Unconventional Combined Instrument Transformer Using 3-D Electric-Field Analysis

Elzbieta Ewa Lesniewska, Jan Olak,
Journal : IEEE Trans. Power Deliv. - n° 33 - 2018 - 2582-2589

Microwave Spectroscopic Detection of Human Hsp70 Protein on Annealed Gold Nanostructures on ITO Glass Strips

Rodica Elena Ionescu, Raphael Selon, Nicolas Pocholle, Lan Zhou, Anna Rumyantseva, Eric Bourillot, Eric Lesniewska,
Journal : Biosensors-Basel - n° 8 - 2018 - 118

ER dimerization: a key factor for the weak estrogenic activity of an ER alpha modulator unable to compete with estradiol in binding assays

Guy Leclercq, Ioanna Laios, Celine Elie-Caille, Denis Leiber, Guy Laurent, Eric Lesniewska, Zahra Tanfin, Yves Jacquot,
Journal : J. Recept. Signal Transduct. - n° 37 - 2017 - 149-166

HS-AFM and SERS Analysis of Murine Norovirus Infection: Involvement of the Lipid Rafts

Ece N. Aybeke, Gael Belliot, Stephanie Lemaire-Ewing, Marie Estienney, Yvon Lacroute, Pierre Pothier, Eric Bourillot, Eric Lesniewska,
Journal : Small - n° 13 - 2017 - 1600918

Novel layers of RNA polymerase III control affecting tRNA gene transcription in eukaryotes

Ewa Lesniewska, Magdalena Boguta,
Journal : Open Biol - n° 7 - 2017 - 170001

Fabrication of Annealed Gold Nanostructures on Pre-Treated Glow-Discharge Cleaned Glasses and Their Used for Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR) and Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) Detection of Adsorbed (Bio) molecules

Rodica Elena Ionescu, Ece Neslihan Aybeke, Eric Bourillot, Yvon Lacroute, Eric Lesniewska, Pierre-Michel Adam, Jean-Louis Bijeon,
Journal : Sensors - n° 17 - 2017 -

Study of demulsifiers used for crude oil desalting

Maciej Paczuskii, Joanna Zielinska, Ewa Lesniewska, Justyna Kruszynska,
Journal : Przem. Chem. - n° 96 - 2017 - 747-751

Stress conditions result in down-regulation of RNA polymerase III activity and degradation of its largest subunit by ubiquitine/proteasome system

E. Lesniewska, M. Boguta,
Journal : FEBS J. - n° 284 - 2017 - 300-300

Spontaneous non-canonical assembly of CcmK hexameric components from beta-carboxysome shells of cyanobacteria

Luis F. Garcia-Alles, Eric Lesniewska, Katharina Root, Nathalie Aubry, Nicolas Pocholle, Carlos I. Mendoza, Eric Bourillot, Konstantin Barylyuk, Denis Pompon, Renato Zenobi, David Reguera, Gilles Truan,
Journal : PLoS One - n° 12 - 2017 -

Characterization of Oxygen-Enriched Layers of TA6V, Titanium, and Zirconium by Scanning Microwave Microscopy

V. Optasanu, E. Bourillot, R. Selon, L. Lavisse, A. Sanchot, P. Vitry, A. Kanjer, P. Berger, E. Lesniewska, T. Montesin,
Journal : Oxid. Met. - n° 88 - 2017 - 531-542

ERE-dependent transcription and cell proliferation: Independency of these two processes mediated by the introduction of a sulfone function into the weak estrogen estrothiazine

Yves Jacquot, Dany Spaggiari, Julie Schappler, Eric Lesniewska, Serge Rudaz, Guy Leclercq,
Journal : Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. - n° 109 - 2017 - 169-181

Aggregation of Calcium Silicate Hydrate Nanoplatelets

Maxime Delhorme, Christophe Labbez, Martin Turesson, Eric Lesniewska, Cliff E. Woodward, Bo Jonsson,
Journal : Langmuir - n° 32 - 2016 - 2058-2066

Estimation of Influence of External Magnetic Field on New Technology Current-to-Voltage Transducers Operating in Protection System of AC Power Networks

E. Lesniewska, A. Lisowiec,
Journal : IEEE Trans. Power Deliv. - n° 31 - 2016 - 541-550

Hydrogels made from chitosan and silver nitrate

Marek Kozicki, Marek Kolodziejczyk, Malgorzata Szynkowska, Aleksandra Pawlaczyk, Ewa Lesniewska, Aleksandra Matusiak, Agnieszka Adamus, Aleksandra Karolczak,
Journal : Carbohydr. Polym. - n° 140 - 2016 - 74-87

Combining infrared and mode synthesizing atomic force microscopy: Application to the study of lipid vesicles inside Streptomyces bacteria

Pauline Vitry, Rolando Rebois, Eric Bourillot, Ariane Deniset-Besseau, Marie-Joelle Virolle, Eric Lesniewska, Alexandre Dazzi,
Journal : Nano Res. - n° 9 - 2016 - 1674-1681

Global analysis of transcriptionally engaged yeast RNA polymerase III reveals extended tRNA transcripts

Tomasz W. Turowski, Ewa Lesniewska, Clementine Delan-Forino, Camille Sayou, Magdalena Boguta, David Tollervey,
Journal : Genome Res. - n° 26 - 2016 - 933-944

Mode-synthesizing atomic force microscopy for volume characterization of mixed metal nanoparticles

P. Vitry, E. Bourillot, L. TETARD, C. Plassard, Y. Lacroute, E. Lesniewska,
Journal : J. Microsc.. - n° 263 - 2016 - 307-311

Impact of corona treatment on PLA film properties

Jeancarlo R. Rocca-Smith, Thomas Karbowiak, Eva Marcuzzo, Alessandro Sensidoni, Francesca Piasente, Dominique Champion, Olivier Heinz, Pauline Vitry, Eric Bourillot, Eric Lesniewska, Frederic Debeaufort,
Journal : Polym. Degrad. Stabil. - n° 132 - 2016 - 109-116

Surface-promoted aggregation of amphiphilic quadruplex ligands drives their selectivity for alternative DNA structures

Aurelien Laguerre, Yi Chang, Marc Pirrotta, Nicolas Desbois, Claude P. Gros, Eric Lesniewska, David Monchaud,
Journal : Org. Biomol. Chem. - n° 13 - 2015 - 7034-7039

Immunity of current-to-voltage transducer, with coils manufactured by means of multilayered PCB technology, to external magnetic fields

Elzbieta Lesniewska,
Journal : Compel-Int. J. Comp. Math. Electr. Electron. Eng. - n° 34 - 2015 - 1156-1171

Atmospheric aging and surface degradation in As2S3 fibers in relation with suspended-core profile

O. Mouawad, P. Vitry, C. Strutynski, J. Picot-Clemente, F. Desevedavy, G. Gadret, J. -C. Jules, E. Lesniewska, F. Smektala,
Journal : Opt. Mater. - n° 44 - 2015 - 25-32

Homogeneous large-scale crystalline nanoparticle-covered substrate with high SERS performance

E. N. Aybeke, Y. Lacroute, C. Elie-Caille, A. Bouhelier, E. Bourillot, E. Lesniewska,
Journal : Nanotechnology - n° 26 - 2015 - 245302

Mode-synthesizing atomic force microscopy for 3D reconstruction of embedded low-density dielectric nanostructures

Pauline Vitry, Eric Bourillot, Cedric Plassard, Yvon Lacroute, Eric Calkins, Laurene Tetard, Eric Lesniewska,
Journal : Nano Res. - n° 8 - 2015 - 2199-2205

High-resolution characterization of the diffusion of light chemical elements in metallic components by scanning microwave microscopy

Virgil Optasanu, Eric Bourillot, Pauline Vitry, Cedric Plassard, Laure Beaurenaut, Pierre Jacquinot, Frederic Herbst, Pascal Berger, Eric Lesniewska, Tony Montessin,
Journal : Nanoscale - n° 6 - 2014 - 14932-14938

From surface to intracellular non-invasive nanoscale study of living cells impairments

M. Ewald, L. Tetard, C. Elie-Caille, L. Nicod, A. Passian, E. Bourillot, E. Lesniewska,
Journal : Nanotechnology - n° 25 - 2014 - 295101

A direct catalytic reduction of palmitic acid to cetyl alcohol

Malgorzata I. Szynkowska, Aleksandra Jakubowska, Ewa Lesniewska, Jacek Goralski,
Journal : Przem. Chem. - n° 93 - 2014 - 1414-1417

Advances in quantitative nanoscale subsurface imaging by mode-synthesizing atomic force microscopy

P. Vitry, E. Bourillot, C. Plassard, Y. Lacroute, L. Tetard, E. Lesniewska,
Journal : Appl. Phys. Lett. - n° 105 - 2014 - 053110

Impact of optical and structural aging in As2S3 microstructured optical fibers on mid-infrared supercontinuum generation

O. Mouawad, F. Amrani, B. Kibler, J. Picot-Clemente, C. Strutynski, J. Fatome, F. Desevedavy, G. Gadret, J-C Jules, O. Heintz, E. Lesniewska, F. Smektala,
Journal : Opt. Express - n° 22 - 2014 - 23912-23919

ToF-SIMS and SEM-EDS studies of palladium and ruthenium catalysts used in the reduction of selected fatty acids

M. I. Szynkowska, E. Lesniewska, A. Jakubowska, J. Rogowski, J. Goralski, T. Paryjczak,
Journal : Surf. Interface Anal. - n° 45 - 2013 - 570-574

Catalytic reduction of fatty acids

Aleksandra Jakubowska, Ewa Lesniewska, Malgorzata I. Szynkowska, Tadeusz Paryjczak,
Journal : Przem. Chem. - n° 92 - 2013 - 1449-1452

Optimization of the magnetic circuits of the column voltage transformers using the field-circuit method

Elzbieta Lesniewska, Bogdan Tulodziecki,
Journal : Compel-Int. J. Comp. Math. Electr. Electron. Eng. - n° 31 - 2012 - 1417-1427

Analysis of the surface of profile-milled metallic biomaterials used in prosthetic dentistry

Dorota Rylska, Malgorzata I. Szynkowska, Ewa Lesniewska, Aleksandra Pawlaczyk, Tadeusz Paryjczak, Krzysztof Sokolowski, Grzegorz Sokolowski, Jerzy Sokolowski,
Journal : Przem. Chem. - n° 91 - 2012 - 941-948

Non-destructive technique to detect local buried defects in metal sample by scanning microwave microscopy

J. Rossignol, C. Plassard, E. Bourillot, O. Calonne, M. Foucault, E. Lesniewska,
Journal : Sens. Actuator A-Phys. - n° 186 - 2012 - 219-222

Mercury in Carcasses of Wild Animals Hunted in the Province of Lodz

Jadwiga Albinska, Jacek Goralski, Malgorzata Iwona Szynkowska, Ewa Lesniewska, Tadeusz Paryjczak,
Journal : Rocz. Ochr. Sr. - n° 13 - 2011 - 525-539

Study of ageing of dry powder inhaler and metered dose inhaler by atomic force microscopy

Christophe Harder, Eric Lesniewska, Christophe Laroche,
Journal : Powder Technol. - n° 208 - 2011 - 252-259

Detection of defects buried in metallic samples by scanning microwave microscopy

C. Plassard, E. Bourillot, J. Rossignol, Y. Lacroute, E. Lepleux, L. Pacheco, E. Lesniewska,
Journal : Phys. Rev. B - n° 83 - 2011 - 121409

Label-free sensing and atomic force spectroscopy for the characterization of protein-DNA and protein-protein interactions: application to estrogen receptors

A. Berthier, C. Elie-Caille, E. Lesniewska, R. Delage-Mourroux, W. Boireau,
Journal : J. Mol. Recognit. - n° 24 - 2011 - 429-435

Design and experimental validation of a generic model for combinatorial assembly of DNA tiles into 1D-structures

Aude Laisne, Eric Lesniewska, Denis Pompon,
Journal : Biochim. Biophys. Acta-Gen. Subj. - n° 1810 - 2011 - 603-611

Enhanced chemosensing of ammonia based on the novel molecular semiconductor-doped insulator (MSDI) heterojunctions

Yanli Chen, Marcel Bouvet, Thibaut Sizun, Guillaume Barochi, Jerome Rossignol, Eric Lesniewska,
Journal : Sens. Actuator B-Chem. - n° 155 - 2011 - 165-173

Self-Assembly Properties and Dynamics of Synthetic Proteo-Nucleic Building Blocks in Solution and on Surfaces

Aude Laisne, Maxime Ewald, Toshio Ando, Eric Lesniewska, Denis Pompon,
Journal : Bioconjugate Chem. - n° 22 - 2011 - 1824-1834

Analysis of the Mercury Transition from Dental Amalgams into the Artificial Saliva

Ewa Lesniewska, Malgorzata Iwona Szynkowska, Jadwiga Albinska, Tadeusz Paryjczak, Jerzy Sokolowski,
Journal : Rocz. Ochr. Sr. - n° 12 - 2010 - 177-190

Facile approaches to build ordered amphiphilic tris(phthalocyaninato) europium triple-decker complex thin films and their comparative performances in ozone sensing

Yanli Chen, Marcel Bouvet, Thibaut Sizun, Yingning Gao, Cedric Plassard, Eric Lesniewska, Jianzhuang Jiang,
Journal : Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. - n° 12 - 2010 - 12851-12861

ICP-TOF-MS, TOF-SIMS and AAS studies of corrosion resistance of dental alloys

Malgorzata I. Szynkowska, Jerzy Sokolowski, Jacek Rogowski, Aleksandra Nagrodzka, Ewa Lesniewska, Jadwiga Albinska, Aleksandra Pawlaczyk, Izabela Samlik-Fronc,
Journal : Przem. Chem. - n° 89 - 2010 - 558-563

Surface topography of membrane domains

Marie-Cecile Giocondi, Daisuke Yamamoto, Eric Lesniewska, Pierre-Emmanuel Milhiet, Toshio Ando, Christian Le Grimellec,
Journal : Biochim. Biophys. Acta-Biomembr. - n° 1798 - 2010 - 703-718

Application of the Field-Circuit Method for the Computation of Measurement Properties of Current Transformers With Cores Consisting of Different Magnetic Materials

Elzbieta Ewa Lesniewska, Regina Rajchert,
Journal : IEEE Trans. Magn. - n° 46 - 2010 - 3778-3782

Main Sources of Mercury in Human Organisms not Exposed Professionally

Ewa Lesniewska, Malgorzata Iwona Szynkowska, Tadeusz Paryjczak,
Journal : Rocz. Ochr. Sr. - n° 11 - 2009 - 403-419

Determination of the equivalent magnetic characteristic of the cores of TPZ class protective current transformers

Elzbieta Lesniewska, Wieslaw Jalmuzny,
Journal : Prz. Elektrotechniczny - n° 85 - 2009 - 123-126

Toxic Metal Distribution in Rural and Urban Soil Samples Affected by Industry and Traffic

M. I. Szynkowska, A. Pawlaczyk, E. Lesniewska, T. Paryjczak,
Journal : Pol. J. Environ. Stud. - n° 18 - 2009 - 1141-1150

Conformation of Adsorbed Comb Copolymer Dispersants

Robert J. Flatt, Irene Schober, Elie Raphael, Cedric Plassard, Eric Lesniewska,
Journal : Langmuir - n° 25 - 2009 - 845-855

Influence of the number of core air gaps on transient state parameters of TPZ class protective current transformers

E. Lesniewska, W. Jalmuzny,
Journal : IET Sci. Meas. Technol. - n° 3 - 2009 - 105-112

Silver nanoparticles on fibers and films of Bombyx mori silk fibroin

E. S. Sashina, O. I. Dubkova, N. P. Novoselov, J. J. Goralsky, M. I. Szynkowska, E. Lesniewska, W. Maniukiewicz, G. Strobin,
Journal : Russ. J. Appl. Chem. - n° 82 - 2009 - 974-980

Characterization of Cu-(Ag, Au)/CrAl(3)O(6) Methanol Synthesis Catalysts by TOF-SIMS and SEM-EDS Techniques

T. P. Maniecki, P. Mierczynski, K. Bawolak, E. Lesniewska, J. Rogowski, W. K. Jozwiak,
Journal : Pol. J. Chem. - n° 83 - 2009 - 1643-1651

Influence of production progress on the heavy metal content in flax fibers

Malgorzata I. Szynkowska, Edward Rybicki, Ewa Lesniewska, Aleksandra Pawlaczyk, Tadeusz Paryjczak, Edyta Matyjas-Zgondek,
Journal : Chem. Pap. - n° 63 - 2009 - 537-542

Influence of the external magnetic field on operation of the electromagnetic current-to-voltage transducer

Elzbieta Lesniewska, Wieslaw Jalmuzny,
Journal : Prz. Elektrotechniczny - n° 84 - 2008 - 57-59

Nanobioengineering and characterization of a novel estrogen receptor biosensor

Alexandre Berthier, Celine Elie-Caille, Eric Lesniewska, Regis Delage-Mourroux, Wilfrid Boireau,
Journal : Sensors - n° 8 - 2008 - 4413-4428

Transversal mode and thermal analysis of an InP laser diode by near-field scanning probe microscopies

Eric Bourillot, Thierry David, Yvon Lacroute, Eric Lesniewska,
Journal : J. Opt. Soc. Am. B-Opt. Phys. - n° 25 - 2008 - 1888-1894

Synthesis and Characterization of Palladium Nanoparticle/Polypyrrole Composites

Svetlana V. Vasilyeva, Mikhail A. Vorotyntsev, Igor Bezverkhyy, Eric Lesniewska, Olivier Heintz, Remi Chassagnon,
Journal : J. Phys. Chem. C - n° 112 - 2008 - 19878-19885

Effect of power disturbances on electromagnetic current-to-voltage transducers characteristics

Wieslaw Jalmuzny, Elzbieta Lesniewska,
Journal : Prz. Elektrotechniczny - n° 83 - 2007 - 60-62

In vitro induction of differentiation by retinoic acid in an immortalized olfactory neuronal cell line

Sophie Lakard, Eric Lesniewska, Germaine Michel, Boris Lakard, Nadege Morrand-Villeneuve, Claudine Versaux-Botteri,
Journal : Acta Histochem. - n° 109 - 2007 - 111-121

Intercalated montmorillonites as fillers for acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber

Marian Zaborski, Anna Kunert, Joanna Pietrasik, Malgorzata Iwona Szynkowska, Ewa Lesniewska,
Journal : Rubber Chem. Technol. - n° 80 - 2007 - 279-295

Nano-pH sensor for the study of reactive materials

Jean-Philippe Ndobo-Epoy, Eric Lesniewska, Jean-Pierre Guicquero,
Journal : Anal. Chem. - n° 79 - 2007 - 7560-7564

Synthesis of polymer materials for use as cell culture substrates

Sophie Lakard, Nadge Morrand-Villeneuve, Eric Lesniewska, Boris Lakard, Germaine Michel, Guillaume Herlem, Tijani Gharbi, Bernard Fahys,
Journal : Electrochim. Acta - n° 53 - 2007 - 1114-1126

Electrosynthesis and properties of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) films functionalized with titanocene dichloride complex

M Skompska, MA Vorotyntsev, M Refczynska, J Goux, E Lesniewska, G Boni, C Moise,
Journal : Electrochim. Acta - n° 51 - 2006 - 2108-2119

Surface preparation influence on the initial stages of MOCVD growth of TiO2 thin films

A. Monoy, A. Brevet, L. Imhoff, B. Domenichini, E. Lesniewska, P. M. Peterle, M. C. Marco de Lucas, S. Bourgeois,
Journal : Thin Solid Films - n° 515 - 2006 - 687-690

Application of TOF-SIMS to the investigation of a Co/Al2O3 catalyst

J Grams, J Rogowski, MI Szynkowska, E Lesniewska, T Paryjczak,
Journal : React. Kinet. Catal. Lett. - n° 84 - 2005 - 237-245

Study of C-S-H growth on C3S surface during its early hydration

S Garrault, E Finot, E Lesniewska, A Nonat,
Journal : Mater. Struct. - n° 38 - 2005 - 435-442

Shear force microscopy with a nanoscale resolution

JP Ndobo-Epoy, E Lesniewska, JP Guicquero,
Journal : Ultramicroscopy - n° 103 - 2005 - 229-236

Nanoscale experimental investigation of particle interactions at the origin of the cohesion of cement

C Plassard, E Lesniewska, I Pochard, A Nonat,
Journal : Langmuir - n° 21 - 2005 - 7263-7270

Observation of human retinal pigment epithelium cell cultures using atomic force microscopy

MK Tsilimbaris, S Lydataki, D Skondra, IG Pallikaris, E Lesniewska,
Journal : Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. - n° 45 - 2004 -

Changes in hazardous substances in cotton after mechanical and chemical treatments of textiles

E Rybicki, T Swiech, E Lesniewska, J Albinska, MI Szynkowska, T Paryjczak, S Sypniewski,
Journal : Fibres Text. East. Eur. - n° 12 - 2004 - 67-73

Influence of the interaction of voltage and current parts of a combined instrument transformer on its measurement properties

E Lesniewska, A Koszmider,
Journal : IEE Proc.-Sci. Meas. Technol. - n° 151 - 2004 - 229-234

Investigation of the surface structure and elastic properties of calcium silicate hydrates at the nanoscale

C Plassard, E Lesniewska, I Pochard, A Nonat,
Journal : Ultramicroscopy - n° 100 - 2004 - 331-338

Cell wall modification in grapevine cells in response to UV stress investigated by atomic force microscopy

E Lesniewska, M Adrian, A Klinguer, A Pugin,
Journal : Ultramicroscopy - n° 100 - 2004 - 171-178

From cell imaging to molecular manipulation: biological applications of atomic force microscopy

MC Giocondi, PE Milhiet, E Lesniewska, C Le Grimellec,
Journal : M S-Med. Sci. - n° 19 - 2003 - 92-99

Investigation of the structural composition and mechanical properties Calcium Silicate Hydrates nanoparticles.

C Plassard, E Lesniewska, JP Perez, S Gauffinet, I Pochard, A Nonat,
Journal : Ann. Chim.-Sci. Mat. - n° 28 - 2003 -

The necessity to monitor mercury concentration in the environment

MI Szynkowska, E Lesniewska, T Paryjczak,
Journal : Przem. Chem. - n° 82 - 2003 - 240-243

Temperature-programmed techniques in catalysis

MI Szynkowska, E Lesniewska, T Paryjczak,
Journal : Pol. J. Chem. - n° 77 - 2003 - 657-673

The use of time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for studying ZrO2 and Pt/ZrO2 catalyst

MI Szynkowska, E Lesniewska, J Rogowski, T Paryjczak,
Journal : Przem. Chem. - n° 82 - 2003 - 794-797

Observation of the posterior endothelial surface of the rabbit cornea using atomic force microscopy

S Lydataki, E Lesniewska, MK Tsilimbaris, C Le Grimellec, L Rochette, JP Goudonnet, IG Pallikaris,
Journal : Cornea - n° 22 - 2003 - 651-664

Excimer laser ablated cornea observed by atomic force microscopy

S Lydataki, E Lesniewska, MK Tsilimbaris, S Panagopoulou, C Le Grimellec, IG Pallikaris,
Journal : Single Mol. - n° 3 - 2002 - 141-147

Interfacial behavior of goat kappa casein: Ellipsometry and atomic force microscopy study

V Vie, J Moreno, S Beaufils, E Lesniewska, J Leonil, A Renault,
Journal : Single Mol. - n° 3 - 2002 - 127-133

Atomic force microscope imaging of cells and membranes

E Lesniewska, PE Milhiet, MC Giocondi, C Le Grimellec,
Journal : Methods Cell Biol. - n° 68 - 2002 - 51-65

Dry powder inhaler: influence of humidity on topology and adhesion studied by AFM

V Berard, E Lesniewska, C Andres, D Pertuy, C Laroche, Y Pourcelot,
Journal : Int. J. Pharm. - n° 232 - 2002 - 213-224

The use of 3-D electric field analysis and the analytical approach for improvement of a combined instrument transformer insulation system

E Lesniewska,
Journal : IEEE Trans. Magn. - n° 38 - 2002 - 1233-1236

Affinity scale between a carrier and a drug in DPI studied by atomic force microscopy

V Berard, E Lesniewska, C Andres, D Pertuy, C Laroche, Y Pourcelot,
Journal : Int. J. Pharm. - n° 247 - 2002 - 127-137

Measuring magnetic susceptibilities of nanogram quantities of materials using microcantilevers

E Finot, T Thundat, E Lesniewska, JP Goudonnet,
Journal : Ultramicroscopy - n° 86 - 2001 - 175-180

Investigation by atomic force microscopy of forces at the origin of cement cohesion

S Lesko, E Lesniewska, A Nonat, JC Mutin, JP Goudonnet,
Journal : Ultramicroscopy - n° 86 - 2001 - 11-21

Phase topology and growth of single domains in lipid bilayers

MC Giocondi, V Vie, E Lesniewska, PE Milhiet, M Zinke-Allmang, C Le Grimellec,
Journal : Langmuir - n° 17 - 2001 - 1653-1659

Correlating surface forces with surface reactivity of gypsum crystals by atomic force microscopy. Comparison with theological properties of plaster

E Finot, E Lesniewska, JP Goudonnet, JC Mutin, M Domenech, AA Kadi,
Journal : Solid State Ion. - n° 141 - 2001 - 39-46

Application of 3D field analysis for modelling the electric field distribution in ceramic insulator of HV combined instrument transformer

E Lesniewska,
Journal : J. Electrost. - n° 51 - 2001 - 610-617

Atomic-force microscopy imaging of plasma membranes purified from spinach leaves

M Crevecoeur, E Lesniewska, V Vie, JP Goudonnet, H Greppin, C Le Grimellec,
Journal : Protoplasma - n° 212 - 2000 - 46-55

Estimation of the electric strength of insulation system of an HV combined instrument transformer using 3D analysis

E Lesniewska,
Journal : Compel-Int. J. Comp. Math. Electr. Electron. Eng. - n° 19 - 2000 - 488-494

Modelling of magnetic field distribution in a four-speed induction motor

M Dems, K Komeza, E Lesniewska, S Wiak,
Journal : Compel-Int. J. Comp. Math. Electr. Electron. Eng. - n° 19 - 2000 - 403-410

Tapping-mode atomic force microscopy on intact cells: optimal adjustment of tapping conditions by using the deflection signal

V Vie, MC Giocondi, E Lesniewska, E Finot, JP Goudonnet, C Le Grimellec,
Journal : Ultramicroscopy - n° 82 - 2000 - 279-288

Detection of peptide-lipid interactions in mixed monolayers, using isotherms, atomic force microscopy, and Fourier transform infrared analyses

V Vie, N Van Mau, L Chaloin, E Lesniewska, C Le Grimellec, F Heitz,
Journal : Biophys. J. - n° 78 - 2000 - 846-856

The use of atomic force microscopy for the observation of corneal epithelium surface

MK Tsilimbaris, E Lesniewska, S Lydataki, C Le Grimellec, JP Goudonnet, IG Pallikaris,
Journal : Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. - n° 41 - 2000 - 680-686

Investigations of surface forces between gypsum microcrystals in air using atomic force microscopy

E Finot, E Lesniewska, JC Mutin, JP Goudonnet,
Journal : Langmuir - n° 16 - 2000 - 4237-4244

In situ imaging of detergent-resistant membranes by atomic force microscopy

MC Giocondi, V Vie, E Lesniewska, JP Goudonnet, C Le Grimellec,
Journal : J. Struct. Biol. - n° 131 - 2000 - 38-43

Correlation between surface forces and surface reactivity in the setting of plaster by atomic force microscopy

E Finot, E Lesniewska, JP Goudonnet, JC Mutin,
Journal : Appl. Surf. Sci. - n° 161 - 2000 - 316-322

Lipid-induced organization of a primary amphipathic peptide: A coupled AFM-monolayer study

N Van Mau, V Vie, L Chaloin, E Lesniewska, F Heitz, C Le Grimellec,
Journal : J. Membr. Biol. - n° 167 - 1999 - 241-249

Molybdenum deposition on TiO2 (110) surfaces with different stoichiometries

S Petigny, B Domenichini, H Mostefa-Sba, E Lesniewska, A Steinbrunn, S Bourgeois,
Journal : Appl. Surf. Sci. - n° 142 - 1999 - 114-119

Investigations of surface forces between gypsum crystals in electrolytic solutions using microcantilevers

E Finot, E Lesniewska, JC Mutin, JP Goudonnet,
Journal : J. Chem. Phys. - n° 111 - 1999 - 6590-6598

A field analysis of an overcurrent state and an incidental break in the secondary circuit of a current transformer

E Lesniewska,
Journal : Compel-Int. J. Comp. Math. Electr. Electron. Eng. - n° 17 - 1998 - 267-272

Atomic force microscopy of renal cells: Limits and prospects

E Lesniewska, MC Giocondi, V Vie, E Finot, JP Goudonnet, C Le Grimellec,
Journal : Kidney Int. - n° - 1998 -

Superficial defects induced by argon and oxygen bombardments on (110) Ti0(2) surfaces

S Petigny, H Mostefa-Sba, B Domenichini, E Lesniewska, A Steinbrunn, S Bourgeois,
Journal : Surf. Sci. - n° 410 - 1998 - 250-257

Imaging of the surface of living cells by low-force contact-mode atomic force microscopy

C Le Grimellec, E Lesniewska, MC Giocondi, E Finot, V Vie, JP Goudonnet,
Journal : Biophys. J. - n° 75 - 1998 - 695-703

Distribution of ganglioside G(M1) between two-component, two-phase phosphatidylcholine monolayers

V Vie, N Van Mau, E Lesniewska, JP Goudonnet, F Heitz, C Le Grimellec,
Journal : Langmuir - n° 14 - 1998 - 4574-4583

Mapping the influence of stress on the surface elasticity with an atomic force microscope

E Finot, E Lesniewska, JP Goudonnet, JC Mutin,
Journal : Appl. Phys. Lett. - n° 73 - 1998 - 2938-2940

Examination of corneal epithelium and endothelium by means of atomic force microscopy

SE Lydataki, E Lesniewska, MK Tsilimbaris, IG Pallikaris, O Faucher, JP Goudonnet,
Journal : Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. - n° 38 - 1997 - 4054-4054

Reactivity of gypsum faces according to the relative humidity by scanning force microscopy

E Finot, E Lesniewska, JC Mutin, JP Goudonnet,
Journal : Surf. Sci. - n° 384 - 1997 - 201-217

Simultaneous imaging of the surface and the submembraneous cytoskeleton in living cells by tapping mode atomic force microscopy

C LeGrimellec, E Lesniewska, MC Giocondi, E Finot, JP Goudonnet,
Journal : Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Ser. III-Sci. Vie-Life Sci. - n° 320 - 1997 - 637-643

Influence of stress on the elastic properties of the gypsum surface observed by atomic force microscopy

E Finot, E Lesniewska, JP Goudonnet, JC Mutin,
Journal : Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Ser. II-B - n° 325 - 1997 - 577-586

Determination of sorptive properties and dispersion of supported palladium catalysts

W Ignaczak, E Lesniewska, T Paryjczak,
Journal : Przem. Chem. - n° 74 - 1995 - 467


Journal : Przem. Chem. - n° 74 - 1995 - 21-22


Journal : Kidney Int. - n° 47 - 1995 - 679-679


Journal : Scanning Microsc. - n° 9 - 1995 - 401-411

The comparison of the methods used for estimation of current transformer metrological properties

E Lesniewska,
Journal : Compel-Int. J. Comp. Math. Electr. Electron. Eng. - n° 14 - 1995 - 75-78


Journal : Compel-Int. J. Comp. Math. Electr. Electron. Eng. - n° 13 - 1994 - 199-202


Journal : Biophys. J. - n° 67 - 1994 - 36-41


Journal : Przem. Chem. - n° 72 - 1993 - 404-406


Journal : ARCH ELEKTROTECH - n° 76 - 1993 - 235-242


Journal : Opt. Commun. - n° 102 - 1993 - 1-5


Journal : Compel-Int. J. Comp. Math. Electr. Electron. Eng. - n° 11 - 1992 - 209-212


Journal : ARCH ELEKTROTECH - n° 74 - 1991 - 427-432


Journal : Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. - n° 178 - 1991 - 1280-1287


Journal : J. Microsc. - n° 163 - 1991 - 287-294


Journal : Przem. Chem. - n° 68 - 1989 - 303-304


Journal : Przem. Chem. - n° 67 - 1988 - 222-225


Journal : React. Kinet. Catal. Lett. - n° 33 - 1987 - 203-208


Journal : Przem. Chem. - n° 65 - 1986 - 539-542


Journal : Pol. J. Chem. - n° 54 - 1980 - 1313-1317


Journal : J. Electroanal. Chem. - n° 105 - 1979 - 329-334
Agent(e) de service
{tab=Carrière} # {tab=Projets} # {tab=Publications} # {tab=Communications} # {tab=Enseignements} # {tab=Administration} # {/tabs}
Tel. +33.380.396026 / +33.380.39.6034
Professor in Biophysics Assessor of Pedagogy in Health Science Faculty Board Assessor of Finance in Health Science Faculty Board [caption id="attachment_10475" align="alignnone" width="300"] HS-AFM experiments[/caption]
Nanosense Lab Team - Dept. Nanosciences
Office DR08 - Experimental rooms: DS12, DS14, DS21-DS25
Université de Bourgogne Franche Comté
9 Av. Savary - BP 47870
21078 Dijon, France
[tabs] [tab title=Career] Since 2006 Professor in Biophysics, University of Bourgogne, France  2003 Qualification for Professor of the Universities  In section Dense mediums and materials  In section Chemistry theoretical, Physics, Analytics In section Physicochemical sciences and pharmaceutical technologies  1994-2003 Associate Professor in Biophysics at the University of Dijon 1992-1994 Assistant Professor in Physics at the University of Dijon  1991- 1992 Post doctoral position at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (TN, USA)  Health and Safety Research Division – Supervisor Dr. T.L. Ferrell  Subject: “Development of Ultra High Vacuum Scanning Tunneling Microscope for biological use – Sequencing DNA US project  [/tab] [tab title=Projects]
 My particular research interests cover development of new imaging investigation techniques based on scanning probe microscopy: ultrasound acoustic, microwave, high-speed atomic force microscopy, infra-red spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy (SERS), and nanoprobe development: thermal, pH, conductimetry, TERS nanoprobes. These developments have been devoted in chemistry to the study of early plaster and cement setting, the role superplasticizer during hydration (Lafarge, BASF, Sika Technology). In material science, my research is devoted to the non-destructive detection of inclusions, measurement of gradual changes due to diffusion of light chemical elements, and microstructural changes (Areva, CEA), interparticular interactions in drug powders (GSK, Pfizer, Armor Pharma). In biology, my research concerned the study of living cell, bacteria for biofuel production, effect of laser ablation on eye tissues, dynamics of membrane proteins (LCP, I2CB, Inra). I always tried to validate and enhance my development with industrial partnerships looking for innovation in nanoscience. 
[/tab] [tab title=Communications (2013-2016)] 1. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. How to identify lipid vesicles by AFM-IR and multi-frequency AFM? XIX Annual Linz Winter Workshop, 3-6 February 2017, Linz, Austria.  2. E. LESNIEWSKA. Conférence invitée. Identification of contaminants on excipients using ultrasound AFM. AFM User meeting 2016, 23-24 November 2016, CEA Saclay, Orsay, France.  3. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. Investigation of Murine Norovirus infection on HS-AFM-SERS platform. 4th Kanazawa Bio-AFM meeting, 3-6 October 2016, Kanazawa, Japan.  4. E. LESNIEWSKA, Conférence invitée. Nanostructure analysis of gypsum and force at the origin of the setting of plaster. Microstructure and Mechanics of Gypsum. Saint Gobain, 21 juin 2016, Paris, France.  5. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. Combining AFM-IR and Mode Synthesizing Atomic Force Microscopy: Application to the study of lipid vesicles inside bacteria. XVIII Annual Linz Winter Workshop, January 29th - February 1st, 2016, Linz, Austria.  6. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. Combining AFM-IR and Mode Synthesizing Atomic Force Microscopy: Application to the study of lipid vesicles inside bacteria. XVII Annual Linz Winter Workshop, January 29th - February 1st, 2015, Linz, Austria.  7. E. LESNIEWSKA, Conférence invitée AFM imaging to measure chemical-physics properties at the nanoscale. Nanothermodynamics Workshop, 1-5 December 2014, Leiden, the Netherlands.  8. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. Tomographic multi-frequency microscopy for depth investigation on soft samples. AFM User’s meeting 2014, 19-20 November 2014, Reims, France.  9. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. Acoustic, microwave and infrared imaging used for lipid investigations. ISPM 2014. 16th International Scanning Probe Meeting. June 29 – July 2, 2014, Seoul, Korea.  10. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy on proteins. AFM User’s meeting 2013, 20-21 November 2013, Lyon, France.  [/tab] [tab title=Publications (2013-2016)] 1. E. Bourillot, D. Carriou, E.N. Aybeke, P. Vitry, S. Weidmann, J. Guzzo, E. Lesniewska. Direct HS-AFM observation of lipid bilayer protection by small heat shock proteins. Small, (2016). In press. I.F. 8.36.  2. V. Optasanu, E. Bourillot, R. Selon, L. Lavisse, A. Sanchot, P. Vitry, A. Kanjer, P. Berger, E. Lesniewska, T. Montesin. Advance in revelant characterization techniques H-10 Characterization of oxygen-enriched layers of TA6V, Titanium and Zirconium by Scanning Microwave Microscopy. Oxidation of Metals, (2016). Accepted  3. R.E. Ionescu, E.N. Aybeke, E. Bourillot, Y. Lacroute, E. Lesniewska, P.M. Adam, JL. Bijeon. Fabrication of annealed gold particules on pre-treated glow-discharge cleaned glasses and their used for LSPR and SERS detection of adsorbed (bio)molecules, Sensor 17(2), 236 (2017). I.F. 2.4  4. E.N. Aybeke, G. Belliot, S. Lemaire, M. Estienney, Y. Lacroute, P. Pothier, E. Bourillot, E. Lesniewska. HS-AFM and SERS analysis of Murine Norovirus infection: involvement of the lipid rafts, Small, 13, 1 (2017). I.F. 8.36.  5. JR Rocca-Smith, T Karbowiak, E Marcuzzo, A Sensidoni, F Piasente, D. Champion, O. Heinz, P. Vitry, E. Bourillot, E. Lesniewska, F. Debeaufort. Impact of corona treatment on PLA film properties. Polymer Degradation and Stability 132, 109 (2016). I.F. 3.12.  6. P Vitry, E Bourillot, L Tétard, C Plassard, Y Lacroute, E Lesniewska. Modesynthesizing atomic force microscopy for volume characterization of mixed metal nanoparticles. J. Microscopy 263(3), 307 (2016). I.F. 2.33.  7. G Leclercq, I Laïos, C Elie-Caille, D Leiber, G Laurent, E Lesniewska, Y. Jacquot. ERα dimerization: a key factor for the weak estrogenic activity of an ERα modulator unable to compete with estradiol in binding assays. J Receptors and Signal Transduction 37 (2), 149 (2017). I.F. 2.32.  8. P Vitry, R Rebois, E Bourillot, A Deniset-Besseau, MJ Virolle, E. Lesniewska, A. Dazzi. Combining infrared and mode synthesizing atomic force microscopy: Application to the study of lipid vesicles inside Streptomyces bacteria. Nano Research 9(6), 1674 (2016). I.F. 8.893.  9. S.N. Pleskova, E.N. Aybeke, E Bourillot, E Lesniewska. Characteristics of morphological differences of detergent-resistant membrane domains isolated from different cells and investigated by atomic force microscopy. Cell and Tissue Biology 10 (3), 233 (2016). I.F. 1.518.  10. M Delhorme, C Labbez, M Turesson, E Lesniewska, CE Woodward. Aggregation of Calcium Silicate Hydrate Nanoplatelets. Langmuir 32 (8), 2058 (2016). I.F. 3.993  11. SN Pleskova, EN Aybeke, E Bourillot, E Lesniewska. Characterization of the difference in the morphology of detergent resistant membranes domains isolated from different cell types by atomic force microscopy. Tsitologiia 58(2), 120 (2015).  12. P. Vitry, E. Bourillot, C. Plassard, Y. Lacroute, E. Calkins, L. Tétard, E. Lesniewska. Mode-synthesizing atomic force microscopy for 3D reconstruction of embedded low-density dielectric nanostructures. Nano Research, 8 (7), 2199 (2015). IF 8.893.  13. O Mouawad, P Vitry, C Strutynski, J Picot-Clémente, F Désévédavy, G Gadret, J-C Jules, E Lesniewska, F Smektala. Atmospheric aging and surface degradation in As 2 S 3 fibers in relation with suspended-core profile. Optical Materials 44, 25 (2015). I.F. 2.183.  14. E.N. Aybeke, Y. Lacroute, C. Elie-Caille, A. Bouhelier, E. Bourillot, E. Lesniewska. Homogeneous large-scale crystalline nanoparticle-covered substrate with high SERS performance. Nanotechnology, 26(24), 245302 (2015). IF 3.573.  15. A Laguerre, Y Chang, M Pirrotta, N Desbois, CP Gros, E Lesniewska, D. Monchaud. Surface-promoted aggregation of amphiphilic quadruplex ligands drives their selectivity for alternative DNA structures. Organic & biomolecular chemistry 13 (25), 7034 (2015). I.F. 3.559.  16. E Bourillot, P Vitry, V Optasanu, C Plassard, Y Lacroute, T Montessin. E. Lesniewska. Solid Solution Characterization in Metal by Original Tomographic Scanning Microwave Microscopy Technique. Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2015, 65, 72 (2015).  17. O Mouawad, F Amrani, B Kibler, J Picot-Clémente, C Strutynski, J Fatome, F Désévédavy, G Gadret, JC Jules, O Heintz, E Lesniewska, F Smektala. Impact of optical and structural aging in As2S3 microstructured optical fibers on mid-infrared supercontinuum generation. Optics express 22 (20), 23912 (2014). I.F. 3.148.  18. P. Vitry, E. Bourillot, C. Plassard, Y. Lacroute, L. Tetard, E. Lesniewska. Advances in quantitative nanoscale subsurface imaging by mode-synthesizing atomic force microscopy. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105(5), 053110 (2014). IF 3.515  19. M. Ewald, L. Tetard, C. Elie-Caille, L. Nicod, A. Passian, E. Bourillot, E. Lesniewska. From surface to intracellular non-invasive nanoscale study of living cells impairments. Nanotechnology 25 (29), 295101 (2014). IF 3.67  20. R. Zeggari, J.F. Manceau, E.N. Aybeke, R. Yahiaoui, E. Lesniewska, W. Boireau. Design and fabrication of an acoustic micromixer for biological media activation. Procedia Engineering 87, 935 (2014).  21. V. Optasanu, E. Bourillot, P. Vitry, C. Plassard, L. Beaurenaut, P. Jacquinot, P. Berger, E. Lesniewska, T. Montesin. High-resolution characterization of the diffusion of light chemical elements in metallic components by Scanning Microwave Microscopy. Nanoscale, 6 (24), 14932 (2014). IF 7.76. [/tab] [/tabs]
Since 2006 Professor in Biophysics, University of Bourgogne, France 2003 Qualification for Professor of the Universities In section Dense mediums and materials In section Chemistry theoretical, Physics, Analytics In section Physicochemical sciences and pharmaceutical technologies 1994-2003 Associate Professor in Biophysics at the University of Dijon 1992-1994 Assistant Professor in Physics at the University of Dijon 1991- 1992 Post doctoral position at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (TN, USA) Health and Safety Research Division – Supervisor Dr. T.L. Ferrell Subject: “Development of Ultra High Vacuum Scanning Tunneling Microscope for biological use – Sequencing DNA US project
My particular research interests cover development of new imaging investigation techniques based on scanning probe microscopy: ultrasound acoustic, microwave, high-speed atomic force microscopy, infra-red spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy (SERS), and nanoprobe development: thermal, pH, conductimetry, TERS nanoprobes. These developments have been devoted in chemistry to the study of early plaster and cement setting, the role superplasticizer during hydration (Lafarge, BASF, Sika Technology). In material science, my research is devoted to the non-destructive detection of inclusions, measurement of gradual changes due to diffusion of light chemical elements, and microstructural changes (Areva, CEA), interparticular interactions in drug powders (GSK, Pfizer, Armor Pharma). In biology, my research concerned the study of living cell, bacteria for biofuel production, effect of laser ablation on eye tissues, dynamics of membrane proteins (LCP, I2CB, Inra). I always tried to validate and enhance my development with industrial partnerships looking for innovation in nanoscience.
1. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. How to identify lipid vesicles by AFM-IR and multi-frequency AFM? XIX Annual Linz Winter Workshop, 3-6 February 2017, Linz, Austria. 2. E. LESNIEWSKA. Conférence invitée. Identification of contaminants on excipients using ultrasound AFM. AFM User meeting 2016, 23-24 November 2016, CEA Saclay, Orsay, France. 3. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. Investigation of Murine Norovirus infection on HS-AFM-SERS platform. 4th Kanazawa Bio-AFM meeting, 3-6 October 2016, Kanazawa, Japan. 4. E. LESNIEWSKA, Conférence invitée. Nanostructure analysis of gypsum and force at the origin of the setting of plaster. Microstructure and Mechanics of Gypsum. Saint Gobain, 21 juin 2016, Paris, France. 5. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. Combining AFM-IR and Mode Synthesizing Atomic Force Microscopy: Application to the study of lipid vesicles inside bacteria. XVIII Annual Linz Winter Workshop, January 29th - February 1st, 2016, Linz, Austria. 6. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. Combining AFM-IR and Mode Synthesizing Atomic Force Microscopy: Application to the study of lipid vesicles inside bacteria. XVII Annual Linz Winter Workshop, January 29th - February 1st, 2015, Linz, Austria. 7. E. LESNIEWSKA, Conférence invitée AFM imaging to measure chemical-physics properties at the nanoscale. Nanothermodynamics Workshop, 1-5 December 2014, Leiden, the Netherlands. 8. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. Tomographic multi-frequency microscopy for depth investigation on soft samples. AFM User’s meeting 2014, 19-20 November 2014, Reims, France. 9. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. Acoustic, microwave and infrared imaging used for lipid investigations. ISPM 2014. 16th International Scanning Probe Meeting. June 29 – July 2, 2014, Seoul, Korea. 10. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy on proteins. AFM User’s meeting 2013, 20-21 November 2013, Lyon, France.
1. E. Bourillot, D. Carriou, E.N. Aybeke, P. Vitry, S. Weidmann, J. Guzzo, E. Lesniewska. Direct HS-AFM observation of lipid bilayer protection by small heat shock proteins. Small, (2016). In press. I.F. 8.36. 2. V. Optasanu, E. Bourillot, R. Selon, L. Lavisse, A. Sanchot, P. Vitry, A. Kanjer, P. Berger, E. Lesniewska, T. Montesin. Advance in revelant characterization techniques H-10 Characterization of oxygen-enriched layers of TA6V, Titanium and Zirconium by Scanning Microwave Microscopy. Oxidation of Metals, (2016). Accepted 3. R.E. Ionescu, E.N. Aybeke, E. Bourillot, Y. Lacroute, E. Lesniewska, P.M. Adam, JL. Bijeon. Fabrication of annealed gold particules on pre-treated glow-discharge cleaned glasses and their used for LSPR and SERS detection of adsorbed (bio)molecules, Sensor 17(2), 236 (2017). I.F. 2.4 4. E.N. Aybeke, G. Belliot, S. Lemaire, M. Estienney, Y. Lacroute, P. Pothier, E. Bourillot, E. Lesniewska. HS-AFM and SERS analysis of Murine Norovirus infection: involvement of the lipid rafts, Small, 13, 1 (2017). I.F. 8.36. 5. JR Rocca-Smith, T Karbowiak, E Marcuzzo, A Sensidoni, F Piasente, D. Champion, O. Heinz, P. Vitry, E. Bourillot, E. Lesniewska, F. Debeaufort. Impact of corona treatment on PLA film properties. Polymer Degradation and Stability 132, 109 (2016). I.F. 3.12. 6. P Vitry, E Bourillot, L Tétard, C Plassard, Y Lacroute, E Lesniewska. Modesynthesizing atomic force microscopy for volume characterization of mixed metal nanoparticles. J. Microscopy 263(3), 307 (2016). I.F. 2.33. 7. G Leclercq, I Laïos, C Elie-Caille, D Leiber, G Laurent, E Lesniewska, Y. Jacquot. ERα dimerization: a key factor for the weak estrogenic activity of an ERα modulator unable to compete with estradiol in binding assays. J Receptors and Signal Transduction 37 (2), 149 (2017). I.F. 2.32. 8. P Vitry, R Rebois, E Bourillot, A Deniset-Besseau, MJ Virolle, E. Lesniewska, A. Dazzi. Combining infrared and mode synthesizing atomic force microscopy: Application to the study of lipid vesicles inside Streptomyces bacteria. Nano Research 9(6), 1674 (2016). I.F. 8.893. 9. S.N. Pleskova, E.N. Aybeke, E Bourillot, E Lesniewska. Characteristics of morphological differences of detergent-resistant membrane domains isolated from different cells and investigated by atomic force microscopy. Cell and Tissue Biology 10 (3), 233 (2016). I.F. 1.518. 10. M Delhorme, C Labbez, M Turesson, E Lesniewska, CE Woodward. Aggregation of Calcium Silicate Hydrate Nanoplatelets. Langmuir 32 (8), 2058 (2016). I.F. 3.993 11. SN Pleskova, EN Aybeke, E Bourillot, E Lesniewska. Characterization of the difference in the morphology of detergent resistant membranes domains isolated from different cell types by atomic force microscopy. Tsitologiia 58(2), 120 (2015). 12. P. Vitry, E. Bourillot, C. Plassard, Y. Lacroute, E. Calkins, L. Tétard, E. Lesniewska. Mode-synthesizing atomic force microscopy for 3D reconstruction of embedded low-density dielectric nanostructures. Nano Research, 8 (7), 2199 (2015). IF 8.893. 13. O Mouawad, P Vitry, C Strutynski, J Picot-Clémente, F Désévédavy, G Gadret, J-C Jules, E Lesniewska, F Smektala. Atmospheric aging and surface degradation in As 2 S 3 fibers in relation with suspended-core profile. Optical Materials 44, 25 (2015). I.F. 2.183. 14. E.N. Aybeke, Y. Lacroute, C. Elie-Caille, A. Bouhelier, E. Bourillot, E. Lesniewska. Homogeneous large-scale crystalline nanoparticle-covered substrate with high SERS performance. Nanotechnology, 26(24), 245302 (2015). IF 3.573. 15. A Laguerre, Y Chang, M Pirrotta, N Desbois, CP Gros, E Lesniewska, D. Monchaud. Surface-promoted aggregation of amphiphilic quadruplex ligands drives their selectivity for alternative DNA structures. Organic & biomolecular chemistry 13 (25), 7034 (2015). I.F. 3.559. 16. E Bourillot, P Vitry, V Optasanu, C Plassard, Y Lacroute, T Montessin. E. Lesniewska. Solid Solution Characterization in Metal by Original Tomographic Scanning Microwave Microscopy Technique. Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2015, 65, 72 (2015). 17. O Mouawad, F Amrani, B Kibler, J Picot-Clémente, C Strutynski, J Fatome, F Désévédavy, G Gadret, JC Jules, O Heintz, E Lesniewska, F Smektala. Impact of optical and structural aging in As2S3 microstructured optical fibers on mid-infrared supercontinuum generation. Optics express 22 (20), 23912 (2014). I.F. 3.148. 18. P. Vitry, E. Bourillot, C. Plassard, Y. Lacroute, L. Tetard, E. Lesniewska. Advances in quantitative nanoscale subsurface imaging by mode-synthesizing atomic force microscopy. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105(5), 053110 (2014). IF 3.515 19. M. Ewald, L. Tetard, C. Elie-Caille, L. Nicod, A. Passian, E. Bourillot, E. Lesniewska. From surface to intracellular non-invasive nanoscale study of living cells impairments. Nanotechnology 25 (29), 295101 (2014). IF 3.67 20. R. Zeggari, J.F. Manceau, E.N. Aybeke, R. Yahiaoui, E. Lesniewska, W. Boireau. Design and fabrication of an acoustic micromixer for biological media activation. Procedia Engineering 87, 935 (2014). 21. V. Optasanu, E. Bourillot, P. Vitry, C. Plassard, L. Beaurenaut, P. Jacquinot, P. Berger, E. Lesniewska, T. Montesin. High-resolution characterization of the diffusion of light chemical elements in metallic components by Scanning Microwave Microscopy. Nanoscale, 6 (24), 14932 (2014). IF 7.76.

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