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Exposition « Vies de labos »

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To celebrate the 80th anniversary of the CNRS and in collaboration with the Mission Culture Scientifique of the University of Burgundy, the laboratory ICB welcomed the photographer Vincent Arbelet.

This exhibition shows the life of researchers from CNRS laboratories. Research teams from diverse and varied disciplines exercising their talents to advance science, to improve or better understand the lives of men and women and that of our planet. Vincent Arbelet took the moments of work of these women and men on the premises of the ICB laboratory

Vies de Labos

What do the research teams have in common?

To advance science in their field, to improve or better understand the life of men and that of our planet.

Teams from all backgrounds, researchers, teacher-researchers, engineers and technicians as well as doctoral students, post-doctoral students, etc. participate in scientific research. Sometimes in the field other times in laboratories but also in libraries, in offices, we wanted to immerse you on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of CNRS in the intimacy of the teams.

At the laboratory ICB

> Theoretical physicists in the laboratory

> PFL team of the Photonic department



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